“A day is a perfect span of time to dedicate to a different intention—to focus in prayer or meditation on the good of another.”

Arthur C. Brooks, American author, public speaker, and academic

Image from Unsplash by Lucian Alexe

1440 is one of my daily reads to keep informed about what’s going on in the world. I have found its content impartial, allowing me to draw my own conclusions. 1440 also happens to be the number of minutes in a day.

Reading this curated source of information usually takes me about five minutes, leaving me 1,435 to direct my attentions and intentions to matters I consider important.

How do you fill up your typical day? How many of your 1440 minutes are used purposely, to better yourself and do good within your various communities?


How can you dedicate the coming rotation of the earth to some new or different intention?  What will be your focus and who do you plan to serve?