“A good laugh recharges your battery.”
—Jennifer E. Garza, author of the book by the same title

Image from Unsplash by Omar Lopez
Take a close look at the state of the world. Begin by zooming out for a big-picture view, then zoom in to your own communities, family, and lastly, to yourself. Explore the numbers factors that have and are depleting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies.
Take another look at how and in what ways you renew and recharge yourself to take on each new day.
How have you included adequate rest, proper nutrition, daily exercise, hobbies, time with family and friends, and mindfulness efforts into your days?
Where and to what extent have you intentionally brought greater humor and laughter to recharge and reboot your world?
Recently, I have been asking my digital assistant to tell me a joke. Although the jokes are often corny, I do find a few more chuckles that boost my mood and raise the corners of my mouth.
Please reply to this post with a few laughter-inducing activities that recharge your batteries.