“A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.”
—Charlotte Bronte, 19th Century English novelist

Image from Unsplash by Priscilla Du Preez
Perhaps no single part of our sleeping ritual is more important to a good night’s sleep than a comfortable pillow.
There is actually a pillow market 2019 Global Industry Report that covers the latest statistics and trends in this very competitive marketplace, with far too many details to even scratch the ten-billion dollar surface in this post.
A company called Scandia Home manufactures the St. Petersburg Pillow, with a cost ranging between $900 and $1,500. This unique piece of heaven can be customized for your yacht or private plane, with only the finest imported materials, including Siberian Down, and 439-thread-count silk!
Beyond memory foam, thread count, and perhaps pharmaceutical intervention, what strategies can and will you utilize to unruffle your mind, and sleep more peacefully in the future?
Feel free to reply to this post with the strategies and techniques you choose.