“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.”
—Bruce Lee, 20th Century American Actor & Martial Artist

Image from TED Ideas
Are you an artist, writer, or creator of some other form of content? If so, be prepared to be ripped off, pick-pocketed, and have your work stolen.
Unless you have been hiding your work under a rock or inside a mattress, you have shared it with others. If it is remarkable, or even just good, others will take it for themselves and hopefully build on it.
Protectionism, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents have their place. But with the world of increasing transparency and information just a click away, it won’t be long before someone reverse engineers or tweaks your ideas and makes them their own for a minute or two.
Where and how can you absorb what is useful, discard what is not, and add your own unique ideas to contribute to and stand on the shoulder of those who came before you?
How might you coach and mentor others coming up the ranks, to more intentionally support their development and contribution?