“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
—Pablo Picasso, 20th Century Spanish painter & sculptor

Image from Unsplash by Anna Kolosyuk
The world is in great pain and could use some healing. Hardly a day goes by without many examples of suffering and stress.
My coaching conversations almost always include personal issues as well as professional priorities. Among the many strategies to calm down and cope with the stressors, a good number of individuals are seeking and engaging in artful expression, to wash away the dust in their souls. Cooking and baking work nicely in the Demp household!
Please reply to this post with the artful strategies you use to brighten your days.
Consider discussing this topic with friends, family, and others to help realize a more beautiful and soulful life.
These simple activities are very unique to each person and allow for personal, creative expression… definitely allowing our true self to shine again.