“Be distinct or be extinct.”

—Kevin Noland, CEO of A.D.A.M.

Poster proclaiming "So What?"

With ever increasing competition and transparency in the business world, buyers of products and services seem to have the upper hand. We are all just a few clicks away from having reasonable, accurate, and objective information on just about anything and anyone.

Have you ever heard of the “So What Test”? If not, imagine going to a networking event in which you are given 30 or 60 seconds to introduce yourself, your service, and perhaps your product. Now imagine if the person you are speaking with actually was rude enough to say, “So What?” aloud, instead of keeping this thought to themselves.


What is truly unique, special, and distinctive about you, your product, or service?

What could you share about what you have to offer that would raise a few more eyebrows?

What are the reasons people may be saying Yes to your competition and No to you more often than you would like?