You can’t leave a footprint that lasts if you’re always walking on tiptoes

“You can’t leave a footprint that lasts if you’re always walking on tiptoes.”

Marion Blakely, President and CEO for the Rolls Royce of America

Image from Unsplash by Khadeeja Yasser

Where are you trying to make your mark on the world?

Just like one of those rubber stamps that have begun to run out of ink, our ongoing efforts to accomplish things of note are often too light to leave the lasting imprint we want.

Where are you tip-toeing around in your life, reluctant to take a firm stand on what you value and believe? How have these modest efforts made only minimal impressions that are easily washed away with time?


Whether it’s through great force or repeated actions over time, what will it take for you to make the dents in the universe you deeply desire?

“We moved from being a part of nature to be apart from nature.”

“We moved from being a part of nature to be apart from nature.”

Sir David Attenborough, British broadcaster, biologist, and natural historian

Image from Unsplash by NASA

Sir David Attenborough is a world-renowned naturalist, broadcaster, and environmental advocate whose career spans over seven decades.

His work has revolutionized nature documentaries with groundbreaking series including Life on Earth, The Blue Planet, and Planet Earth.

His delightful storytelling, innovative filmmaking, and environmental activism have inspired audiences around the world and helped improve our understanding of the vital importance of the natural world.


How can you be a helpful part of our natural world to ensure there is still a place on earth for all living things— including us?

Examining our fears can help soften them

Examining our fears can help soften them. Taking action can eliminate them.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Photo Boards

What is your relationship with fear?

How often do you experience it?

What are some examples where you’ve been paralyzed by its grip?

Consider times when you faced these roadblocks and acted anyway.

How did you soften or eliminate some of these barriers through thoughtful examination and courageous effort?


What’s possible for your life on the other side of your fears?

How could you examine them more closely to see that many are only offering False Evidence that Appears Real (FEAR)?

“Trust is earned when actions meet words.”

“Trust is earned when actions meet words.”

—attributed to a Chris Butler

Image from Unsplash by Ronda Dorsey

When I choose a quote for this blog I use a variety of criteria.

I always look for a message that strikes a chord with me, related to living a meaningful life.

A second thing I look for is a message that isn’t too wordy. Usually, a sentence or two is the goal.

A third factor is if the quote is catchy and has a rhyming component. If the message isn’t memorable, how can it provide the stickiness to have its wisdom stick beyond the initial reading?


How can and will you apply the rhyming words of today’s quote to build greater trust through your actions in your various communities?

If you have an extra minute, please reply to this post with one of your own favorite rhyming quotes.

I’ve got some advice for the young

“I’ve got some advice for the young. If you’ve got anything you really want to do, don’t wait until you’re 93.”

Charlie Munger, late philanthropist and Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway

Image from Amazon

My wife and I are snowbirds, spending around three months of the year in Florida. In our community there, we are members of various clubs and engage in numerous activities to keep that youthful pep in our steps.

A few weeks ago, we took a day trip to Fort Myers with about 35 other seniors.

Along with the 2½ hour bus ride, our excursion included a delicious buffet lunch and a fantastic production of the Carole King musical, Beautiful.

Although many of our bus mates were moving a bit slower than in years past, they clearly weren’t waiting to seek and find more beautiful things about life.


Regardless of your age, where in your life are you waiting for “some day” to do the things you want?

As Sam Horn’s book title declares: Someday is Not a Day of the Week.

What are your most restorative activities

What are your most restorative activities?  How can you use them as natural remedies to pick you up or calm you down when needed?

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Jenny Hill

Meditation, exercise, and sleep are three of my most restorative activities.

Whenever I find myself a bit off my game or feel out of sorts, I go to these habitual activities to renew and restore my balance and well-being.

When meditating, the focus is often on the breath where the inhale picks you up and the exhale calms you down.

Knowing this is not enough.

It’s in the daily practice that we ingrain the capacity to routinely smooth out the rough edges of our lives.


What activities do you use to pick you up and calm you down throughout your day?

Consider exploring this subject with friends and family to expand your repertoire of options.

Friday Review: Action

Friday Review: Action

How often, and how quickly, do you take action? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“Without jumping off its perch, the bird would never fly.”




“You cannot talk your way out of something you behaved yourself into.”





“Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, you can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.”






“What small step can you take today that will put you on the path toward something wonderful?”

“What small step can you take today that will put you on the path toward something wonderful?”

James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

Image from Unsplash by Hayley Murray

Each morning I take a three mile walk with friends from my neighborhood. Our time together usually involves discussing current events, our lives, and our various interests.

We unconsciously take the same 8/10ths of a mile circuit walking in a counter-clockwise direction.

Although we sometime comment on the state of our landscaping and repairs being made by our neighbors, the path we take is unremarkable, with the same inclines and curves we never seem to notice.

The other day one of our fearless leaders dragged the rest of us outside our development to visit a local park which provided a nice change of pace to the path we usually take.


Where in your life are you going in circles and not noticing anything particularly wonderful?

In what ways can you step off this path to investigate aspect of your world previously unexplored?


Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending myself that I become rich.

“Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending myself that I become rich.”

Sarah Bernhardt, 20th Century French Actress

Image from Unsplash by The Tampa Bay Estuary Program

Today’s quote brings a lot to consider! Each sentence could easily be a post on its own. It’s the third sentence that captured my soulful interest today.

In economic terms, it is clear that when we spend our money we have less following our transactions.

The concept of spending oneself on matters of great significance is very different. Pouring ourselves into important matters and the people we love creates a richness money just can’t buy.


Which part of today’s quote sparks the greatest interest for you?

Please share your perspectives from your own rich experiences.

Seek opportunities to be more active

Seek opportunities to be more active.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Anupam Mahapatra

We all know exercise does a body good. Here are some benefits you may already know, and perhaps a few you don’t:

    • Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss.
    • Exercise combats health conditions and diseases including stroke, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, type two diabetes, depression, anxiety, arthritis, and many types of cancer.
    • Exercise improves your mood and boosts your energy.
    • Exercise promotes better sleep
    • Exercise can help put the spark back in your love life for both men and women.
    • Exercise can expand your connections with family and friends.


In what ways can and will you introduce more opportunities to be more active each day?
Consider checking out the Mayo Clinic for more information.