“You are under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago.”

“You are under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago.”

Alan Watts, 20th Century British/American writer, speaker, philosopher

Image from Unsplash by Richard Burton

We recently attended a good friend’s 90th birthday party. The big event included about 75 close friends and family from far and wide. Besides children, grandchildren, and a few members of the younger generation, the majority of attendees were well into their senior years.

Along with a delicious buffet, they had a DJ playing tunes from the past, and a photo montage of our friend from the days of his youth until today.  It was remarkable to see how he and most of the audience remembered every word to these songs and to see how in many ways he continued to evolve during the milestone moments of his life. We have already been invited to his 100th celebration, in which — I am sure — he will be an even more remarkable guy than today!


In what ways do you continue to learn, grow, and evolve with each passing day? How can you be an even more intentional work in progress as you step into the future you?

“What gets better as we age?”

“What gets better as we age?”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Dmitry Mashkin

In the years following my dad’s passing, I’ve developed a far greater interest in the subject of aging.

Although there are many reasons to see these years as ones of decline from our younger selves, there is still plenty of evidence that numerous areas of life tend to improve, including:

  • Happiness and Well-Being: older adults often experience greater life satisfaction and emotional stability, with reduced stress from the responsibilities of raising children and work.
  • Self Confidence: many older individuals become more comfortable in their own skin, embracing their true selves without the need for external validation.
  • Wisdom and Decision-Making: tend to improve through the accumulation of life experiences and more thoughtful informed choices.
  • Empathy and the ability to more deeply understand the emotions and experiences of others tend to improve, like a fine wine with time.


How can you see yourself as getting better — not just older — with each passing day?  How might greater mindfulness and self-awareness of the aging process help you experience a richer, more fulfilling life?

Friday Review: AGE

Friday Review: Age

What are your attitudes and beliefs about age? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“I don’t know how to act my age. I’ve never been this age before.”




“The chief prevention against getting old is to remain astonished.”




Aging mindfully and gracefully involves embracing the law of impermanence. Each thought, emotion, and sensation can be a portal to all kinds of new discoveries.








Aging mindfully and gracefully involves embracing the law of impermanence.

Aging mindfully and gracefully involves embracing the law of impermanence. Each thought, emotion, and sensation can be a portal to all kinds of new discoveries.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Kelly Sikkema

It’s funny the experiences we store in our memories.

One that stands out for me is getting my first-grade report card from Mrs. Gray. I received an “E” in work habits with the comment Barry is a nice boy but he needs to pay closer attention. Distractability seemed to follow me and other students—mostly boys—throughout grade school, until I applied to my dad’s alma mater, Central High School. I distinctly remember buckling down to be eventually accepted, which made my dad very proud.

At that time in my life, I realized being mindful and focused was a source of accomplishing the things I desired. What has been your experience of the passage of time?


To what degree have you embraced the law of impermanence over the years? How is the aging process and your mindfulness efforts opening new portals of discovery?

The chief prevention against getting old is to remain astonished

“The chief prevention against getting old is to remain astonished.”

Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of Wired magazine

Image from Unsplash by Esther Ann

Regardless of your age, how do you stay young at heart?

The other day I was feeling my age and didn’t like it very much.

I’m reading Arthur Brooks new book From Strength to Strength, and I’ve reached the chapters where he describes the overwhelming evidence of how we decline from our peak capabilities far sooner than we care to admit.

Putting our heads down and striving even harder is usually not the answer and often compounds our frustrations.

There is considerable evidence that life satisfaction for many people tends to increase once they shift their attention from personal success to a life of significance where they pour their skills and wisdom into others.

Doing this type of work as a coach for many years keeps my moments of astonishment coming and, on most days, puts pep in my steps.


What are the activities that astonish you with excitement and wonder?

How and where can you engage in more of these to remain forever young?

I don’t know how to act my age I’ve never been this age before

“I don’t know how to act my age. I’ve never been this age before.”

—Author unknown

It’s official!

According to numerous sources, I qualify as a senior citizen having reached my 65th birthday today.  I now have a brand-new Medicare card, and with big data advertisers knowing more about me than me, I have been inundated with all forms of products and services for someone my age.

It’s nice when people complement you with phrases like, You don’t look a day over___,  and praise your walking pace and relative agility playing ping pong.

It is all a bit confusing and strange looking into the mirror when I shave.

Luckily, I had a great role model in my dad who lived a remarkable 94 years. Some primary lessons he offered through his example included, keeping a positive and playful attitude, exercise, eat in moderation, use your brain to keep your marbles, and take naps whenever you wish.

I’m also fortunate to now live near of my grandchildren who set a great example of youthful exuberance, playfulness and wonder.


Regardless of your age, make a conscious effort to act anyway you wish today to celebrate with me. Having a broader repertoire of age options from your own life as well as others will hopefully add more spice to your life.

Older now, you find holiness in anything that continues

“Older now, you find holiness in anything that continues.”

—Naomi Shihab Nye, American Poet

Image from Alaska native news

Gary Muehlberger, who recently passed, was a featured character in the National Geographic show Port Protection.  Well into his 70s, this white-haired, no-nonsense man looked a bit like a skinny Santa.  He lived in an Alaskan community of people who live life on their own terms, hunting, fishing, and gathering many of the resources they need from the land and sea.

Gary was a jack of many trades. He owned a fishing boat build in 1919 which he used for catching salmon. This bucket-of-bolts required frequent attention and repairs by himself and other handy folks in his community, but kept chugging along and fed him for many years, body and soul.


What have you noticed about the aging process in yourself and others these past few years?

How have you come to more fully acknowledge and appreciate the resilience and enduring qualities within yourself and your communities?

Friday Review: Aging

Friday Review: Aging

What are your attitudes and beliefs about age? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit would never grow old.”






“Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”






“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower.”




“If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit would never grow old.”

“If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit would never grow old.”

—James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States

Image from Unsplash by Pelayo Arbués

How old are you? How old do you feel? When you look in the mirror how many more wrinkles do you see compared to last year? What strategies do you use to slow down the hourglass of time?

Looking for the fountain of youth is a preoccupation for many, and potions, lotions, superfood strategies, exercise machines, and cosmetic surgery are very big business.

Books such as Younger Next Year and Real Age even promise the 44 scientific strategies to be up to 25 years younger biologically than you are chronologically.

This past year, I’ve noticed a significant shift in many people toward discovering and nurturing the inner beauty and spirit that, when exercised, remains ever youthful.


Have a conversation with folks that wear a few more wrinkles and have a bit more pep in their step than you. Inquire into the strategies they recommend to remain young at heart and bright in spirit.

“Youth is a gift of nature, but age is a work of art.”

“Youth is a gift of nature, but age is a work of art.”

–Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, 20th Century Polish Aphorist and Poet

Image from Unsplash by Sven Mieke

Among my top priorities is my daily video chat with my 93-year-old father. Marvin lives in an assisted living facility in Florida.

Over the past few months, the residents have been quarantined to their rooms, with very limited interactions except for meal and medication deliveries.


Who are the seniors and super-seniors in your life? How and in what way can you honor and experience the work of art they are?

Please consider replying to this post regarding how you and your families celebrate this beauty.