“Go as long as you can, and then take another step.”
—Author Unknown

Image from Pinterest
How often do you hear yourself or others say, “I did my best”?
What percentage of the time is that statement true?
If you are like me and many others, we almost always leave a little in the tank, knowing that if we truly gave our all and failed, something terrible would happen.
Failing, knowing you could have studied more, worked harder, and gone farther somehow makes our less than optimal results seem OK. We say things like:
- At least I passed
- I was in the upper quartile of my class
- I made partner quicker than most in my firm
Experiment today in taking one more step, doing one more rep of your exercise, making one more call, or working one extra hour. Reach out to one more friend or help one more person.
Notice the energy you experience, and don’t be surprised if there is still more in the tank, ready to go!