no matter where you go, there you are

“And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.”

– Confucius, Chinese philosopher


Image from Flickr by docoverachiever

As a positive, optimistic, and upbeat person most of the time, it troubles me to see a lot of negativity in the world. Two related negative traits I observe often are blaming and victimization. When people demonstrate these qualities, the focus is always on others as the cause of a problem, and themselves as innocent victims.

Confucius is suggesting, with this quote, that we are always present in these situations, and if you dig a bit deeper, a part of this current reality puzzle.


How can you take a larger percentage of responsibility for the events and circumstances that make up your world? Where would adjusting your perspective, attitude, or point of view provide a shift in the way that people and events affect you?

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”

– Og Mandino, 20th Century American motivational author

Image from Flickr by symphony of love.

Image from Flickr by symphony of love.

Asking people to do their best, to seek excellence, on a key project or top priority seems like the ultimate cliché of coaching. Blogs, books, and quotes related to this simple idea abound.

What does doing your best truly mean? For most of us, it often seems impossible, given the image we have in our minds about how our “best” can look.

Consider the idea that we all have a “best continuum,” in which what we’re capable of varies depending on the day or time. Consider, too, that your actions are like planting seeds and tending a garden, where all efforts count and add up.


What does your best effort look like today? Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate yourself, knowing that the sum total of all your daily bests will bring you the harvest you seek.

“Attitude is the current that defines our dreams, enriches our thoughts, and shapes the landscape of our lives.”

“Attitude is the current that defines our dreams, enriches our thoughts, and shapes the landscape of our lives.”

– From Successories,

532Image from Flickr by Celestine Chua.

Over 35 years ago, when I began my second career in the pharmaceutical industry, I distinctly remember a multi-day seminar I attended: “Adventures in Attitudes.” This is a bit surprising, because few learning and developmental experiences are such lasting experiences.

I really like the idea of our attitudes being metaphorical streams and rivers that sweep us toward our dreams, carrying along the enlightening sediments of knowledge and wisdom that literally shape the landscape of our lives.


Take your own “Adventures in Attitudes” journey. Please consider visiting the two following excellent sources of attitude quotes to further define your dream, enrich your thoughts, and shape the landscape of your life: