“How can you have a much lighter approach to life?”

“How can you have a much lighter approach to life?”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Christian Erfurt

Who are the people in your professional or personal worlds that seem to carry a very heavy load throughout their days?

How burdened do you feel given your own backpack of commitments, priorities, and responsibilities?

What are the costs to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being?

When eustress—the positive and productive form of stress—exceeds its limits, it cascades over the threshold into distress, which can significantly impact our immune systems and can even lead to disease.


Take 5 to 10 minutes to lift your foot off the gas pedal of life and do a Google search on “Stress Management” or “Self-Care Strategies” to help you lighten your approach to life.

Feel free to reply to this post with the strategies or approaches you commit to taking.

When we do what we have to do we are compliant

“When we do what we have to do we are compliant. When we do what we choose to do we are committed.”

—Marshall Goldsmith, American Leadership Coach

Image from a3carpetcleaning.com

To what degree are you an “extra credit” type of person? Recall your early educational experiences, in which a special teacher or a special subject motivated you well beyond just meeting expectations and passing the course. They motivated you to experience new levels of excellence, achievement, and of course, greater personal growth.

What about today in your vocational and avocational efforts? Where do you choose to go the extra mile and exceed expectations versus simply doing just enough to maintain your employment (for the moment) and get by?


To help you make the shift from compliant to committed, consider exploring the work of Dan Pink in his book, Drive, to see how greater autonomy, mastery, and purpose will help you choose and eventually realize a far more fulfilling and rewarding life.

It doesn’t make any sense

“It doesn’t make any sense to make a key and then run around looking for a lock to open.”

—Seth Godin, American Author

Image of a hand holding a single key

Image from Unsplash by CMDR Shane

The Giving Pledge is a commitment by the world’s wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their wealth to giving back. You can learn more about this remarkable commitment to philanthropy and the causes they support by visiting givingpledge.org.

If you happen to not currently be on the list of the ultra-wealthy, I suggest you consider the Impact Pledge. There, we can all participate in a highly specific project by publicly committing our resources – especially time and energy – to a worthy mission to better our world. In such a way we can all participate in the design of a “key” solution that opens the doors of our most daunting local and world issues.


Consider visiting the Impact Pledge site to see how you might become a critical key to bettering our world.

I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart

“I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: Turn Back!”

—Erica Jong, American Novelist and Poet

Image of a skier doing an aerial jump

Image from Unsplash by Jörg Angeli

The majority of people I know don’t normally consider themselves as particularly brave and courageous. Many might look at the amazing firefighters in California and say, “That’s not me” or “I could never do that.”

I’d like you to consider that you might be at least a bit more courageous than you give yourself credit for. Examine times in your personal or professional life in which you stepped up to a particular challenging, heart-pounding situation and moved forward through the fear. Your commitment was far bigger than your comfort.


Where and how can and will you use the signal of a pounding heart to step forward rather than back to more fully realize your most important and valued commitments?

Never too Late to Learn

“It is never too late to learn to be on time.”

—Author Unknown

Image of a swirling clock

Image from Flickr by cea+

Time seems to fly these days, whether or not you are having fun. The pace of life has quickened, jamming our calendars, and stretching our schedules to the limit.

Unfortunately, these challenges come with some negative consequences in the form of emotional, physical, and social stressors.

How do you feel when you expect to be late, or miss an important commitment or deadline? How do you feel when family, friends, or work colleagues keep you waiting or don’t fulfill their promises? What does it cost you, and is it worth the price?


How and in what ways can you simplify your personal and professional worlds by reducing or eliminating the commitments that are simply not a priority? How can these changes provide you the added buffer to not only be on time, but fulfill virtually all of your personal and professional commitments?

Go as Long as you Can

“Go as long as you can, and then take another step.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Pinterest

How often do you hear yourself or others say, “I did my best”?

What percentage of the time is that statement true?

If you are like me and many others, we almost always leave a little in the tank, knowing that if we truly gave our all and failed, something terrible would happen.

Failing, knowing you could have studied more, worked harder, and gone farther somehow makes our less than optimal results seem OK. We say things like:

  • At least I passed
  • I was in the upper quartile of my class
  • I made partner quicker than most in my firm


Experiment today in taking one more step, doing one more rep of your exercise, making one more call, or working one extra hour. Reach out to one more friend or help one more person.

Notice the energy you experience, and don’t be surprised if there is still more in the tank, ready to go!

Friday Review: Commitment


What commitments will you make and hold to in 2017? Here are a few commitment-related posts you may have missed. Click the links to read the full message:


“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”




“Today is when everything that’s going to happen from now on begins.”





“Don’t compromise yourself. You’re all you’ve got.”





willingness to endure struggle

“The only difference between a casual interest and a deep desire is the latter inspires a willingness to endure struggle.”

—Brendon Burchard, American Motivational Author

Image of the word "endurance"

Image from Flickr by Faith(@101)

One of my favorite phrases is Commitment Supersedes Comfort. Examine for yourself where and when you and others you know operate outside your comfort zone, rather than taking the path of least resistance.

Hard work, overcoming obstacles, and taking on big challenges are far more satisfying when we are focused on a goal or the outcome we deeply desire.


Select at least one of your deeply held personal or professional desires for which you will accept whatever struggle may be required. What are you willing to endure to achieve it?

Don’t Give up Now

“Don’t Give Up Now!”

-Author Unknown

Image from pinspopulars.com

Image from pinspopulars.com

When was the last time you stopped trying, gave up, threw in the towel, or outright quit something? Look deeply at your reasoning, or perhaps your gut-or-heart-based perspectives, on the matter.

If giving up freed you up and relinquished a burden that didn’t fit your life direction, good work! If you experienced regret or an aching soul, perhaps sticking things out may have been a better choice in the long run.


Are you at a critical juncture on an important personal or professional matter? How would coaching, or another form of support in not giving up, make a big difference? Sharing your thoughts and feelings on such issues will often provide the added social support that can be so helpful at these critical times.

Friday Review: Commitment

Friday Review: Commitment

What commitments have you made in your personal or professional life? Here are a few commitment-related posts you may have missed. Click on the Quote to read the full message:

QC #986a


“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”



QC #986b


“Today is when everything that’s going to happen from now on begins.”



QC #986c


“Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach.”