The world is our host

“The world is our host. What gift do you bring upon your arrival?”

Stephen St. Amant, author of the Savenwood Blog

Image from Unsplash by Marcel Fagin

New babies are a gift to the world.

The miracle of their birth is a chance to celebrate with family and friends and each new aspect of growth and development is a joy to behold.

The workload of raising children can sometimes become heavy, and our initial delight can shift to feel like a burden rather than a gift.

It’s in these times we need to be more patient and look extra hard for what lies below the surface.

As our little ones grow, we grow with them and our collective contribution to the world beyond can benefit our communities in wondrous ways.


How and in what ways have you touched the lives of children over the years?

How else has your own life been a gift to the world?

Be a gardener and plant seeds of kindness and service. 

“Be a gardener and plant seeds of kindness and service. Take an ECO versus EGO approach to life and watch things bloom.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Mei-Ling Mirow

Over the years, I’ve been a big fan of the National Geographic show Life Below Zero. The show has become so popular that in recent years it has evolved in a few new spin offs.

With the harsh weather and limited growing season, profiled residents have invested considerable time building greenhouses to grow their own food. Doing this protects the seeds and delicate young plants, and extends the growing season by about a month — resulting in a far more abundant harvest.


Where do you plant seeds of kindness and service in your world?

How have these ECO efforts enriched your life and contributed to your communities?

Friday Review: Contributing

Friday Review: Contributing

In what ways do you contribute to others? In what ways do others contribute to your life? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“If you can’t pay it back, pay it forward.”





“Business and life are like a bank account. You can’t take out more than you put in.”




“Sometimes the most meaningful service is simple, spontaneous, and closer to home.”





“If you can’t pay it back, pay it forward.”

“If you can’t pay it back, pay it forward.”

Catherine Ryan Hyde, American novelist and short story writer

Image from Unsplash by Ekaterina Shakharova

Who are the people who have invested the most in you over the years?

How did they spend their time, energy, and resources to help you become the person you are today?

In what ways did you repay them for their invaluable contributions?

When I examine my own list, I sometime feel unsettled.

A good number of my teachers, mentors, advisors, and family members are no longer with us. Simply sending my prayers and feelings of gratitude into the domain of spirit doesn’t seem to be enough.

Upon deeper review, I realized that these special individuals probably never expected anything in return. They would probably be very pleased to see me paying many of their lessons forward to others in my communities.


Where and with whom would a pay it forward strategy help you balance the ledger of your life for all that you have received from others over the years?

When we practice mindfulness, we are learning to be a hero of consciousness

When we practice mindfulness, we are learning to be a hero of consciousness.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Ashley Batz

What come to mind when you think of a hero? For many people, it can involve risking one’s own life to save another. The media loves displaying such acts, and most of us secretly shudder at the thought of actually being in the place of these brave men and women.

What if you could be a hero of consciousness, where the person you were saving was yourself?

How could your own mindfulness practices be a catalyst for bolder and more generous contributions to yourself and others without risking life and limb?


Declare yourself a hero of consciousness. Reading this post and the many other actions you take to better yourself in support of others warrants a big pat on the back and a hearty handshake.

How are you living a purposeful life? Playing a supporting role to serve and love others is more than enough.

How are you living a purposeful life? Playing a supporting role to serve and love others is more than enough.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by

Without question, living a purposeful life is a high priority for most people.

We all want our lives to matter and contribute in some meaningful way. In our efforts to do so, we often look around at others for examples of making a dent in the universe. Popular media of all types offer examples that for many of us are out of reach—winning gold medals, a Nobel Prize, and solving the world’s most challenging problems are not the only way to leave a legacy.

Today’s quote has us appreciate the everyday acts of service and love we offer our families and communities as being more than enough.


Where and how are you playing an important supporting role in the lives of others?

How can you more fully acknowledge your daily acts of love and service as a source of great meaning and purpose?

“Sometimes the most meaningful service is simple, spontaneous, and closer to home.”

“Sometimes the most meaningful service is simple, spontaneous, and closer to home.”

Jay Shetty, life coach and former Hindu monk

Image from Unsplash by Rémi Walle

The desire to make a difference seems to be a universal calling for most people. The intention to live a meaningful life is a key driver from the moment we wake until it is time to rest.

When we look around at how others live, we tend to focus on the big stuff that seem more like quests and crusades. Having a major impact seems to be what counts or at least get noticed.

It is nice to be reminded that the simple and quiet acts of service are often the most meaningful.


Where and how will you contribute to those close to you today?

“If something comes to life in others because of you, then you have made an approach to immortality.”

“If something comes to life in others because of you, then you have made an approach to immortality.”

—Norman Cousins, 20th Century American journalist, professor, and world peace advocate

Image from Unsplash by Tsunami Green

What are your views on the concept of immortality? For many, the idea that death will come to each of us points to the precious gift and importance of living each moment to the fullest.

How we spend our time and who we spend it with is essential to have The Dash between our birth and death have extra meaning and impact.

Regardless of your faith and spiritual perspective on life beyond our physical world, we can all clearly contribute and impact others in our personal and professional communities. To live on in the fruits of others from the seeds we plant may be the primary purpose and reason for our lives.


What impact have you had or are you making in the lives of others?

Where are others sprouting strong roots, beautiful flowers, and sweet fruits due to your intentional contributions?


Friday Review: Contributing

In what ways do you contribute to others? In what ways do others contribute to your life? Here are a few contribution-related posts you may have missed.


“Business and life are like a bank account. You can’t take out more than you put in.”




“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.”




“Good people bring out the good in people.”








What do we live for

“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?”

—George Eliot, pen name of Mary Anne Evans, 19th Century English novelist

Image of a woman holding coins and a note stating "make a change"

Image from Unsplash by Kat Yukawa

One of my most remarkable clients is the CEO of a local non-profit organization called Forgotten Harvest – the second largest food rescue organization in America. Last year, he and his team – and large numbers of volunteers – provided more than 40 millions pounds of food, valued at over 70 million dollars, to people in the community experiencing “food insecurity.”

Recently, he was interviewed on a top radio station in town about his work and the life journey that brought him to his role in this important organization.

Through this interview, I gained an even more vivid picture of his life and his fundamental purpose to make a positive difference in the lives of others within his communities.


What is your life purpose?

How do you currently contribute and make life less difficult for others?

What additional efforts can and will you take to more fully realize an even greater purpose with your life?