Your excuses will never be as good as the story of how you got it done

“Your excuses will never be as good as the story of how you got it done.”

—Chris Brogan, professional keynote speaker

Image from Unsplash by Brett Jordan

A wise teacher from my past once said, “A good excuse with no results is still no results.” Giving up on a worthy effort even with what seems like a good reason is easy to do. After all, we did try, and things just didn’t work out.

Stop for a moment and ask yourself how often others have overcome the obstacle that appears to be in your way.  How did they get around it, over it, or through it? What resolve and more novel approaches did they take to achieve what for you is a dead end?

What examples do you have from your own life in which you rose above your excuses to accomplish something remarkable? Note how much fun you have telling the story of how you got it done.


Where are you currently making excuses for your own lack of results? How can and will you channel the hero within to overcome all the internal and external obstacles to tell the story of your eventual victory?

Consider check out the book Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo for a fresh and fun perspective on this topic.

A Person Who Buys Excuses

“A person who buys excuses will soon attempt to sell them to others.”

—Orrin Woodward, Author and Chairman of Board of Life

A wise coach once told me that no results and a good excuse still produced no results. What is your relationship with making or receiving excuses, personally or professionally?

For some it appears as a Get-Out-of-Jail Card, like in a Monopoly game, where we expect a free pass. For others it is to sail through obstacles or barriers simply because we had good intentions.


What would be the benefit or value of limiting or eliminating the buying and selling of excuses? In what specific situation or with what specific person could you begin this practice today?

Never Ruin an Apology

“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”

—Ben Franklin, American Founding Father

Cartoon saying "I'm so so so sorry!"

Image from LinkedIN

Don’t ever add the word “But” to an apology. The act of making excuses or justifying your actions has you actually blaming the other person for your poor behavior rather than offering a genuine apology.

Here are a few suggestions to consider when apologizing:

  • Beginning your apology with the words, “I’m Sorry,” or “I Apologize” expresses genuine remorse. Make sure you do this as soon as possible.
  • Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and imagine how they felt. The ability to empathize with others makes it far easier to admit responsibility.
  • Take action to make the situation right. You can ask the person you wronged what you could do, beyond your apology, to make things right.
  • Promising that you won’t repeat the action or behavior helps rebuild trust in the relationship.


Examine a situation in which you can summon the courage to offer a sincere apology to someone who matters in your life, personally or professionally.

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