“A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men.”
⏤Roald Dahl, 20th Century British Novelist

image from Deism
When you think of the word “genius,” who is the first person to come to mind? If you are like many, you likely selected Albert Einstein.
A theory he postulated 100 years ago regarding gravitational waves was recently proven correct by the very best of today’s top scientists.
Unknown to many is the fact that Einstein often exhibited a lighthearted, playful, and humorous disposition. He must have believed that all work and no play would make Albert a dull person indeed!
Based on his rock star image at the time, he was often invited to participate in many gatherings and social events, to the delight of those he accompanied.
Where and with whom would a bit more fun, playfulness, and good old-fashioned nonsense be just the ticket for you to have a more fully satisfying life?