Hope can Always Cope

“Hope can always cope.”

—P.K. Thomajan, 20th Century American Designer

Image of hands holding light

Photo from Unsplash by Diego PH

I’ve done a bit of research on hope as a coping mechanism. Here are a few of my findings:

Indicators of Hope:

•  Focus on progress
•  Positive interpretations
•  Selective attention
•  Goal Setting

Ways Hope can be sustained:

•  Family responsibility
•  A life with purpose and meaning
•  Having quality relationships including a significant other
•  Past experience
•  Goal attainment
•  Community support


How can you be a more hopeful resource for yourself and others, to better cope with the challenges and setbacks that come your way?  Where could you use a bit more hope today?

Hope Awakens Courage

“Hope awakens courage. He who can implant courage in the human soul is the best physician.”

—Karl Ludwig Von Knebel, 18th Century German Poet

Image of a hand

Image from selfhypnosis.com

It is pleasant to consider the profession of coaching as a form of healthcare for the human soul.

So are the skills of teaching, mentoring, counseling, parenting, and even friendship.

What other types of relationships can you describe that induce, elicit, and awaken hope and courage in others?


How can and will you use your healing powers to generate greater possibilities and hopeful courage in those for whom you care?

Hope smiles from the threshold

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’”

-Alfred Lord Tennyson, 19th Century Poet Laureate of Great Britain

Image from Ware Malcomb

Have you ever heard of the concept of “Creative Tension”?

It appears that Robert Fritz, the founder of this idea, mixed the positive nature of creativity with the frequently perceived negative nature of tension to coin this new catch phrase.

The creative aspect conveys a forward-moving, generative focus.

Tension, on the other hand, seeks resolution, and in this case, Fritz wants us to resolve the gaps between our reality and the desirable future to which we have committed.


Google the concept of “creative tension,” or check out this post about it online. See where it can propel you forward in the new year.

Never hope for it more than you work for it

“Never hope for it more than you work for it.”

—Sonya Teclai, Musical Artist

Image from providinghopenj.org

Image from providinghopenj.org

Though hope may seem like a soft concept, it has hard edges and bottom line implications in the world of professional and personal achievement. Shane Lopez Ph.D., a professor at The University of Kansas School of Business, and a Gallup Senior Scientist, points to the following “Bottom Line” benefits of hope:

    • Hope is the basis of all positive change.
    • Hopefulness can be learned and taught.
    • Hope is different from wishing due to its active quality. Wishing is passive and undermines the chances of success.
    • People work harder, and greater resources are put behind hopeful endeavors.
    • Hopeful organizational cultures dramatically enhance employee engagement and productivity.


What are the personal or professional projects you are working on that require a booster shot of hope to help them become realized?

Consider checking out Shane Lopez’s Book Making Hope Happen if you would like to learn more.

I Have Hope

“I have hope and I’m not afraid to use it.”

-Author Unknown

Image from porsperityconnection.org

Image from porsperityconnection.org

One of the top qualities I look for in my coaching clients is optimism—a hopeful perspective on life. Through an unscientific evaluation, I have found that such individuals are generally more successful and far more satisfied with their efforts and progress. They are also far more enjoyable to be around.

Fearful and pessimistic individuals, on the other hand, tend to look through the lens of what is wrong or what won’t work, and therefore, stop themselves or avoid attempting new pursuits where failure is possible.

They often see even good things that happen to them as temporary or a “fluke,” as opposed to the hopeful people who see setbacks as only temporary.


How would an even more hopeful perspective on life help you achieve better results and attract more wonderful, equally hopeful people into your world?

Hope is a good breakfast

“Hope is a good breakfast but it is a bad supper.”

– Francis Bacon, English philosopher

Image of coffee and pastry breakfast

Image from Flickr by Kathryn Yengel

Starting each day with a hopeful mindset is very important – just as many nutritionists indicate that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

If hope, however, is all we have to keep us going, we’ll feel that grumbling sound in our stomachs at supper time.


What other factors constitute the meals and fuel that keep you going throughout your day, to move you from hopeful intentions in the morning toward goal realization by bedtime?

“In the face of uncertainty, there is nothing wrong with hope.”

“In the face of uncertainty, there is nothing wrong with hope.”

–Dr. Bernie Siegel

Many people would agree that we live in uncertain times. Consider the economy, politics, terrorism, technology and globalization as examples of dramatic and rapid change.

Insert humans into this mix and you find both the reasons for such change, and a solid foundation of faith, security, resilience and hope for a brighter future at our core.

This hope for a brighter future is like a beacon of light from a lighthouse on a stormy day, showing us the way into a safe harbor.


How can you further develop and fully express your most hopeful spirit in today’s uncertain world?