Friday Review: Momentum

Friday Review: Momentum

Do you find it easy or difficult to get going or keep going? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”





“When a dog runs at you, whistle for him.”





“It’s hard to build momentum if you are divided in your attention.”




“Getting started generates the momentum to keep going.”

“Getting started generates the momentum to keep going.”

Tony Robbins, American author, coach and speaker

Image from Unsplash by Braden Collum

In many ways we humans are a bit like our vehicles.

When we start and stop often throughout our days our mileage is less than desired.

When we get up to speed and hit the cruise control button, our efficiency and effectiveness skyrocket.

What happens when we are stopped completely and the inertia to stay stopped feels so strong?

Here are a few ways to apply the concept of momentum to your daily efforts once you get going:

    • Start with small wins to build confidence and motivation.
    • Create a daily routine based on the positive habits you value.
    • Habit stacking helps attach new habits to existing ones.
    • Avoid taking breaks and push through low levels of resistance that can slow you down or stop you completely.
    • Celebrate yourself for both effort and progress to reinforce positive behaviors and sustain your motivation.


    In what areas of your life do you need to get out of the starting block?

    How can you apply some of the strategies above to build and maintain your momentum to keep going?

Opportunities multiply as they are seized

“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”

Sun Tzu, ancient Chinese military general, strategist, philosopher

Image from Unsplash by Showboat Chowdhury

It is said that a rolling stone gathers no moss.

What if instead of a stone we considered opportunities to be tightly packed snowballs?

With winter approaching, many a child will be wishing for snow days with hopes of building a few Frosties.

How and in what ways do you capitalize on the momentum of your efforts?  How do you keep the ball rolling and keep your hot streaks going?


What opportunities are currently within your grasp?

Once you grab them, how do you keep things going to find other opportunities often inches away to seize?

It is easier to course correct once we’re on our way

“It is easier to course correct once we’re on our way. When in doubt, focus on getting started. Momentum will make subsequent moves significantly easier.”

Rohan Rajiv, Author of the A Learning a Day Blog

Image from Unsplash by Brett Jordan

If you drove a car or a truck in the 1950’s you needed a good bit of upper body strength to turn the wheel.

Before the advent of power steering in the 1960’s, moving from ten to two had many folks break a sweat, especially if the vehicle was at a complete stop.

If you were moving and had some momentum, actions such as changing lanes and going around curves was considerably easier.


Where in your life do you need to course correct and change lanes?

Where do you want to take your life out of park, put things in gear and step on the gas to build the momentum you need to get where you’re going?


The plateaus of life are simply part of our journey

The plateaus of life are simply part of our journey. Learn to love them and keep moving forward.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Rob Wingate

I recently watched the Netflix series on the Tour De France. I haven’t ridden a bike in years, and was surprised how this event captured my spirit of adventure and ongoing desire for excellence.

The twenty-one days over which this event is held is one of the greatest tests of grit and endurance I’ve ever seen.

The 170+ riders face grueling mountain climbs, bumpy cobblestone roads, and downhill runs where speeds of over 80 miles per hour have been clocked. Of course, there are plenty of flat parts where the peloton pushes forward at a pace that has the riders wiz by, cheering fans in a blur.


What races are your running these days?

How hard do you push yourself on difficult uphill climbs? How fast do you go when the grade of life is downhill?

What is your approach to the plateaus of your journey on your way to your own yellow jersey?

It’s hard to build momentum if you are divided in your attention

“It’s hard to build momentum if you are divided in your attention.”

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

Image from Unsplash by Nubelson Fernandes

Most people are familiar with the phrase “United we stand, divided we fall.” As we nod in agreement, our thoughts often lean toward communities or teams that need to pull together to achieve a worthy goal.

These days, our attention may also include numerous global issues that require a united front.

Today’s quote offers a shift from the macro to the micro.

It points us inward to our individual worlds and frequent forays in multiple directions that often get us nowhere.


Where do you find your attention divided in your personal or professional efforts?

How and where would a more focused approach generate the momentum you need to achieve what you most desire?

“If you have achieved any level of success then pour it into someone else. Success is not success without a successor.”

“If you have achieved any level of success then pour it into someone else. Success is not success without a successor.”

—T.D. Jakes, American author and filmmaker

Image from Unsplash by Reuben Juarez

Who are the people in your personal and professional life that helped you get where you are today?

When I was in my mid 30s, I participated in a year-long seminar called the Wisdom Course. Among the various assignments given was the goal to create a visual and written autobiography of my life.

Beyond going through tons of family photos and a yearbook or two, we were challenged to reach out to many of these individuals to acknowledge their significant influences and acts of generosity.


How have you paid forward life lessons with family, friends, and colleagues?

With whom can and will you generously offer your coaching and support to help them be all they can be?

Don’t be surprised when your own success and satisfaction get a boost of momentum from the law of “Givers Gain.”

“The older I get, the greater power I seem to have to help the world. I am like a snowball — the further I am rolled, the more I gain.”

“The older I get, the greater power I seem to have to help the world. I am like a snowball — the further I am rolled, the more I gain.”

—Susan B. Anthony, 19th Century American social reformer and women’s rights activist

Image from

Susan B. Anthony spent her life working for women’s rights. In 1888, at the age of 68, she helped to merge the two largest suffrage associations into one — The National American Women’s Suffrage Association, then led the group until 1900.

She traveled around the country giving speeches, gathering thousands of signatures on petitions, and lobbying Congress on suffrage for women.

Susan died in 1906, 14 years before women were given the right to vote. The 19th amendment was passed in 1920, one hundred years after her birth.


Who are some notable people from history who kept rolling and picked up steam well into their golden years?

How and in what ways can and will you continue to gain momentum and contribute the work of your heart and hands to the world?

“Take a massive baby step.”

“Take a massive baby step.”

—Liz Wiseman, Author Of Multipliers

Image from Unsplash by David Straight

There is something about oxymorons – such as the one presented in today’s quote – that appeals to me. A few that always get me thinking are:

  • Awful Good
  • Bittersweet
  • Crash Landing
  • Original Copy
  • Student Teacher
  • Working Vacation

And of course, my favorite: JUMBO SHRIMP.

Placing these contrary terms next to one another causes me to ponder life’s inherent conflicts and incongruities.

As a coach, I often encourage my clients to take the first steps toward their goals and objectives. Once they overcome inertia, the momentum of the first baby steps often lead to the next and then the next.


What area of your personal or professional life might call for a massive baby step?

What might life look like from where you stand once you do?

Consider seeking the help of a close friend, family member, mentor, or coach for added support.

“Yesterday already had its turn. Give today a shot.”

“Yesterday already had its turn. Give today a shot.”

—Author Unknown

What was yesterday like for you?

Go back 24 hours to see where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing. How would you rate this day compared to most?

What criteria do you use for higher versus lower ratings?

Did you get off to a quick start, keep up your energy and momentum and finish strong, or something less remarkable?

The good news, if you rated yourself high, is that you get to do it again with a few bonus outside the box efforts. The other good news is that even if your yesterday(s) were not so hot, you get to give today another shot.


Please consider using one of my favorite quotes by Tuli Kupferberg to guide today and many more of your tomorrows – When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.