Take a moment to investigate and celebrate

Take a moment to investigate and celebrate the mystery and miracle of your very existence.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Annie Spratt

The search for intelligent life beyond Earth has made significant strides in recent years.

NASA’s chief scientists predicted ten years ago that we might find strong indications of extraterrestrial life by now, but that timeline hasn’t materialized.

Initiatives like Breakthrough Listen have dramatically increased our observation capabilities and advanced telescopes and exoplanet discoveries have expanded our understanding of other potential habitable worlds.

Citizen science projects like SETI@HOME has democratized our search efforts and we can all be grateful that we are looking out into the universe from the mystery and miracle of our conscious existence.


Whether looking into a telescope or a microscope, how can you be more fully inspired and grateful for your life and the ride we all get to take on this beautiful blue spaceship?

Awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence

“Awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.”

John O’Donohue, shared by fellow blogger Sue Hetherington

Image from Unsplash by Edge2Edge Media

Neil de Grasse Tyson recently discussed the odds of our existence by highlighting the vast number of potential genetic combinations that could create a human being.

In a conversation with comedian Theo Von, Tyson explained that while approximately 100 billion people have ever lived, the number of possible genetic combinations that could form a human being is exponentially larger.

This mathematical perspective underscores the extraordinary nature of being alive as a miraculous gift we get to open each day.


What will you do today and in the future with your life lottery winnings?

“Mystery reveals itself to those who maintain an openness of character.”

“Mystery reveals itself to those who maintain an openness of character.”

—Robert Grundin, Swedish Actor

Image from Unsplash by Diane Helentjaris

Most of us love a good mystery. We love good books, TV shows, or movies that take us on a ride with plot twists and surprises. We enjoy excitement and delight when we sleuth our way through these adventures. We are primed for openness to go down whatever path lies ahead.

When we close our books, turn off our sets, and clean up our popcorn and candy containers, how open do we remain when we return to our actual lives?


How can you expand your openness of character to more fully experience the many mysteries life has to offer?

You see but you do not observe The distinction is clear

“You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.”

⏤Sherlock Holmes, A Scandal in Bohemia

Image of Sherlock Holmes and Mr. Watson

image from BBC

Do you enjoy a good mystery? You know, tales of intrigue with twists and turns, and a wise individual who uses the power of perception and deduction to discern who done it from all sorts of information?

Most of us fall a bit short of identifying all the clues we need to solve the mysteries of life.

Take, for instance, the mysteries of our most significant relationships with a spouse or life partner. On may occasions we really do seem to be from different planets!


How can you expand your capacity to observe your world like Sherlock Holmes, to see the people and events around you far more clearly?

minds full of mystery

“Human minds are more full of mystery than any written book and more changeable than the cloud shapes in the air.”

-Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women

Image of human head with electrical impusles

Image from Mind Motivations

Over the last few years, I have become increasingly interested in the power of our minds to influence our lives.

I recently recommitted to the practice of meditation, to more fully appreciate the mysteries and changeability of my mind.

In my initial efforts to meditate—years ago—I believed that I was doing it wrong, because of the adventures my mind would take during a ten-minute guided or unguided journey. With the incorporation of an app called CALM, I have learned to be more patient with my mental misadventures, and to improve my capacity to be present to my inner and outer worlds.


Consider meditation or another form of mindfulness practice to help you masterfully shape and change the world around you. Read about the most popular apps in the Psychology Today article.