“I can” is 100 times more important than IQ

“I can” is 100 times more important than IQ

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Sean Quillen

When you examine the entrance requirements of our nation’s top schools, you’ll notice only a modest percentage of students are admitted.

Virtually all applicants can document top scores in standardized tests, and GPAs north of 4.0. What most of these schools also want to see is what these individuals have done with their lives through essays and interviews that highlight their extracurricular activities.

Looking beyond raw smarts and even their “I can” attitudes, these institutions are looking for folks that can humbly say “I did.”


How have you used your IQ and “I can” to prove to yourself and the world that you have done something significant and meaningful with your life?

What potential still lies within you to be and do more in the years to come?

Never quit something with great long-term potential just because

“Never quit something with great long-term potential just because you can’t deal with the stress of the moment.”

Seth Godin, American author and former dot com business executive

Image from Unsplash by Etienne Girardet

Timeouts work as well for adults as they do for kids.

How many times have you hit a wall on an important activity and simply given up?

Consider the idea that your current thinking is only short term and limited.

At these moments, we often stop looking beyond the stressors of our current reality to look over the horizons of our apparent barriers.

What’s called for in these times is a break-through.

To have a breakthrough in thinking and acting, it’s actually necessary to have barriers to break through.


How can you begin seeing barriers and stressors in your life as clues to uncover and overcome on your journey toward greater success?

How might you discover that the stressors and obstacles are the way?

The true measure of your potential is not the peak you reached but how far you climbed to get there

The true measure of your potential is not the peak you reached but how far you climbed to get there.

Adam Grant, Author of Hidden Potential

Image from Unsplash by Brook Anderson

As the world watched the Paris Olympic games with anticipation and awe, I did my best to look beyond the world records and those who stand on the podium.

I find the back stories of the various athletes and teams particularly engaging.

When we learn about the grit, tenacity, and determination it takes to be among the 10,500 participants, we all get to have our own Olympic spark burst into flames.


Where do you stand on the ladders of life?

How much potential lies within you to climb even higher to live a gold medal life?

Talent and potential mean nothing if you can’t

“Talent and potential mean nothing if you can’t consistently do things when you don’t feel like doing them.”

Shane Parish, Athens, Georgia based guitarist

Image from Unsplash by Rachel Sanner

Consistency is a superpower.

Putting in your steps when the weather is mild and sunny is easy. Doing so when the skies are grey and there is a chilly wind in your face is another story.

What percent of your talent and potential have you realized?

How does it correlate with your attitude and willingness to push through the challenging “I don’t want to’s” in your life?

What habits have you developed that channel the discipline to push through the resistance that often blocks your way?


Consider reading and applying the many nuggets of wisdom from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. Over 120,000 5- and 4-star reviews are on to something!

As a frightened man in a burning boat has only one way to the rest of his life

“As a frightened man in a burning boat has only one way to the rest of his life, we must move with courage through the wall of flame into the greater sea.”

Mark Nepo, poet and spiritual adviser

Image from Unsplash by dan carlson

Where and when in your life did you last demonstrate significant courage? What are some examples of facing your fears and jumping into an unsettled sea?

Today’s quote does not suggest we risk life and limb as proof of courage, but does  suggest that we should welcome the heat, and test the waters of our days more often.

What are some current situations in which you are experiencing the flames of fears?

When in the past did you step through such flames, standing taller on the other side?


To what degree is your current level of courage putting you on a course to fulfill the vision you have for your life?

When can and will you step up and over the edge of your fears to realize far more of your potential?


“Morning is when I am awake, and there is dawn in me.”

“Morning is when I am awake, and there is dawn in me.”

Henry David Thoreau, 19th Century American naturalist, writer, philosopher

Image from Unsplash by patuphotos

I’m an early to bed and early to rise kind of guy—try as I might over the years to play with my circadian rhythm, this way of living just works best for me.

Mornings always seem to begin with boundless potential, and I love the idea of getting a head start on things well before most people hit their snooze alarm for the first time.


What is your relationship with mornings?

How can the dawn of a new day spark your engagement and efforts to make it a great one?

“You’re Astonishing! How dare you waste it!”

“You’re Astonishing! How dare you waste it!”

Seth Godin, American author and former dot com business executive

Image from Unsplash by Colton Sturgeon

Today’s quote made me smile and frown at the same time—I love being happily surprised and astonished by amazing people, places, and things.

Seeing what is possible become realized inspires me to continue my own pursuit of excellence.

What have you done or achieved in your life which astonished yourself and others?

How far back do you need to go to recall these memories?

What have you done more recently that raises eyebrows and has more than a few jaws drop?


Who do you know that astonishes you?

When did you last tell them about your thoughts and feelings?

How much of your potential for excellence and greatness is still in the tank?

Set sail! You’ll never know unless you go

Set sail! You’ll never know unless you go. Explore the possibilities of today.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Andrew Ridley

Where are you headed today, this week, in the new year? Where are you planning to go, and what are you going to do along the way and once you get there?

Like Christopher Columbus and Magellan, how can and will you find new possibilities and potential by embracing the explorer within?

This all sounds exciting! However, many of us are anchored in our seemingly safe and comfortable harbors and rarely set sail toward new horizons.

One of my favorite TV shows is The Amazing Race, in which 12 teams of two travel the globe to experience new places and explore different cultures.

Although many roadblocks are built into their adventures, virtually all participants acknowledge the significant impact of going beyond their own limitations to realize far more of their potential.


In what ways can and will you set sail in this new year? What amazing adventures and opportunities might you discover beyond your own personal horizons?

“I would like to die on Mars, just not on impact.”

“I would like to die on Mars, just not on impact.”

—Elon Musk, CEO, at Tesla and at SpaceX

Image from Unsplash by Nicolas Lobos

Elon Musk probably lives by the credo “No Risk, No Reward.” He has clearly pushed the boundaries of entrepreneurship to their limits, and in many cases, come out on top. Although financial success is used on many occasions to demonstrate achievement, Musk’s shoot-for-the stars approach almost always focuses on making a difference and leaving a contributing dent in the universe.

Clearly venturing into space safely and reaching the red planet in one piece is pretty high on his list.


What impact do you wish to make with your personal and professional life? How can you more courageously go where you’ve never been before to explore and reach new levels of your potential?



Who in your communities has the most potential? Which among them would name you to their list? Here are a few potential-related posts you may have missed.


“There’s no such thing as overachievers; there are only under-estimators.”




“Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.”





“The challenges that we face test us and help reveal our true potential.”