“Ask yourself: Does the job touch my heart and feed my soul? You will never be what you were meant to be if you aren’t having fun.”
—Suzy Welch, American Author, television commentator, and business journalist

Image from Unsplash by Atlas Green
If you light up on Friday and dread Monday, today’s quote is meant for you. Take heart in that 65-75% of the working world is in the same boat.
For dramatic purposes, that form of regret or stress can represent about 25 years of life, if you include a bit of traffic on your daily commute.
To what degree is this way too high a price to pay?
Beyond family and friends, how we spend our days and who we spend them with makes up far too much of our lives to have it not touch our hearts and feed our souls.
What significant, courageous, and of course, fun changes can and will you take to more fully realize that time is the coin of life?