Table tennis requires unwavering concentration

“Table tennis requires unwavering concentration, mental resilience, strategic thinking, emotional control, self-confidence, and adaptability.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Jure Zakotnik

Although Pickleball is all the rage these days, I have come to favor a good old-fashion game of Ping Pong for many reasons, including:

  • Ping Pong is easier for beginners, as the table is much smaller and requires less movement.
  • Ping Pong tables are significantly smaller (9ft x 5 ft) compared to a pickleball court (44ft x 20ft), making it more suitable for indoor spaces and home use.
  • Ping Pong can be played year-round indoors regardless of the weather conditions.
  • At intermediate and advanced levels, Ping Pong offers lightning-fast, close quarters gameplay with quick exchanges, which can be more exciting for those who enjoy rapid fire action.
  • While still requiring good reflexes and coordination, Ping Pong is less physically demanding than pickleball, making it accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels.


Where in your life would better concentration, mental resilience, enhanced strategic thinking, improved self-control, greater self-confidence, and adaptability come in handy?

If these qualities sound good to you, why not give Ping Pong a spin?

“When we raise our hopes and lower our expectations, we establish a resilient way forward.

“When we raise our hopes and lower our expectations, we establish a resilient way forward.”

Seth Godin, author, entrepreneur, and teacher

Image from Unsplash by Pedro Sanz

I recently looked for an easy-to-understand definition of resilience. Here is what the American Psychological Association had to offer:

Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.

Seth’s view on the subject is a lot easier to understand and implement!


In what areas of life would raising your hopes and lowering your expectations boost your resilience and help you move forward?

There is a difference between giving up and starting over

“There is a difference between giving up and starting over.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by @felipepelaquim

Today’s quote made me immediately think of Thomas Edison.

When you consider all the inventions attributed to him—including the light bulb—it’s clear to see his consistent persistence in action.

How about you?

Where and how often do you begin again and again when things don’t work out on the first and future attempts?

To what degree have you developed the resilience and resolve to start over when your path forward is blocked?

Where and on what important matter did you give up entirely?

To what extent do you feel a sense of failure and regret for not staying the course or finding an alternative route toward your goal?


Two books to consider if the quote above resonates are…

The Dip by Seth Godin

The Power of Regret by Daniel Pink

Switch up your stress story

Switch up your stress story.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Elisa Ventur

To what degree do you feel like you are at a breaking point?  Where are the levels of personal and professional stress having a negative impact on your physical and mental health?

I recently visited the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, New York. Of particular interest was a glass breaking exhibition in which various types of glass were put to the test. Over the years of use and development of this miraculous material, engineers and scientists have come up with numerous processes to make glass far stronger and resistant to breakage.


Where are you being tempered and heat treated through various life experiences? How can you view these events and the stories you tell about them as opportunities for greater growth and resilience?

Older now, you find holiness in anything that continues

“Older now, you find holiness in anything that continues.”

—Naomi Shihab Nye, American Poet

Image from Alaska native news

Gary Muehlberger, who recently passed, was a featured character in the National Geographic show Port Protection.  Well into his 70s, this white-haired, no-nonsense man looked a bit like a skinny Santa.  He lived in an Alaskan community of people who live life on their own terms, hunting, fishing, and gathering many of the resources they need from the land and sea.

Gary was a jack of many trades. He owned a fishing boat build in 1919 which he used for catching salmon. This bucket-of-bolts required frequent attention and repairs by himself and other handy folks in his community, but kept chugging along and fed him for many years, body and soul.


What have you noticed about the aging process in yourself and others these past few years?

How have you come to more fully acknowledge and appreciate the resilience and enduring qualities within yourself and your communities?