Your Work is to Discover Your Work

“Your work is to discover your work and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it.”

—Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism

Image from Unsplash

No quote captures my business and personal coaching work purpose better than this one!

A large percentage of people I work with in the business world rarely experience a perfect fit between who they are and what they do.

I see this most often when people seek coaching because they have a heightened awareness of this gap in their fulfillment and satisfaction, and choose to make an intentional transition with this huge chunk of their life.


To put you in closer touch to the work you are meant to do, consider reading these books:

Of course, you can always contact me to explore how I may assist you in this effort.

How satisfied you are


How satisfied are you with your life? Here are a few satisfaction-related posts you may have missed. Click on the links to read the full message.


“Most people’s lives are a direct reflection of their peer groups.”





“There must be more to life than having everything.”





“It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”




“When you stay away from your soul…”

“When you stay away from your soul the distance you have traveled is measured by the aching of your heart.”

-Dodinsky, author of “In the Garden of Thoughts”

Image from

Image from

On a scale of one to ten, how well do you live consistently with the phrase, “To thine own self be true”? If you score high in this attribute, my guess is that you experience great personal power and life satisfaction. If you score yourself considerably lower, I’d expect you may feel and experience an aching loss of power and fulfillment.


Consider completing the Life Vision Exercise, and consider sending me your personal Top Ten list. Rate yourself on the same one-to-ten scale with regard to how consistently you express these values in both your professional and personal communities. Determine what new and different actions are required to heal your aching heart, to experience the full soulful power within in.

The Life Vision Exercise

List your top 20 – 30 core values.

  1. Cut this list in half, and then in half again, to get to the real core.
  2. Next, create a life vision statement, using all of the final list and perhaps most of the second list of values.
  3. Wordsmith this vision until you feel it is 100% you.
  4. Now use your vision statement as the context to inspire your actions in every area of your life: it can help you become happier and more fulfilled.

“It is good to have an end to journey toward…”

“It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”

—Ernest Hemingway, American author and journalist

QC #789

Photo from Flickr by Jonty

If you examine the statistics related to life satisfaction and happiness, you will discover a fundamental trend. Those who are satisfied and happy consistently engage in their own life journey with a strong sense of meaning and purpose.

Far too many people lack this drive as they begin the day. They often wish parts of their lives away as they look forward to a weekend, or a vacation. In some cases, they look forward to retiring from what they experience as a dead-end job.


How can you be more of a map-maker and explorer in your professional and personal life, in order to make each day a fulfilling and satisfying journey?

“There must be more to life than..”

“There must be more to life than having everything.”

—Maurice Sendak, American illustrator and writer of children’s books

Photo from Flickr Porto Bay Hotels

Photo from Flickr Porto Bay Hotels

Are you a content person?  If not, what will it take to satisfy you? Imagine that you are attending the world’s most sumptuous smorgasbord with all the finest foods and beverages, prepared and selected by the most famous chefs.

What will be your strategy to enjoy your meal to the fullest? What would happen if you ate and drank far more than you knew was prudent for your body?


How is the smorgasbord metaphor related to your choices in life? What trade-offs are you willing to make to have everything you truly need? What needs and wants will bring you the satisfaction and contentment you desire?

“Most people’s lives are a direct reflection of their peer groups.”

“Most people’s lives are a direct reflection of their peer groups.”

– Tony Robbins, motivational speaker

Image of apples in a row with faces from happy to sad

Image from SurveyRock

How satisfied are you with your life? Rate each key area on a 1 – 10 scale with 10 being absolutely delighted. Now take a look at the life satisfaction levels of your peer group. What you will likely find is that your own satisfaction is a bit higher than most – maybe even the highest.

In such cases, if you wish to propel (or in this case pull) your life even further forward, you may need to explore moving beyond your current peer group. As in certain sports, we don’t tend to get much better if we continue to play competitors at the same level.


Explore the possibility that you have outgrown certain relationships that may be holding you back.

Take the steps necessary to respectfully and gracefully move your life forward by finding some new peers that will more fully support your growth.

“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”

“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”

– Louis Nizer, trial lawyer

What percent of your day do you function as a laborer, a craftsman or an artist?

Consider which of these roles bring you the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment.


Make a definite choice to reduce those roles that diminish your joy and increase those areas that provide the most.

Share this insight with family members, co-workers, mentors, or a coach that could support your intention.