What are your unique qualities and how do you honor them?

What are your unique qualities and how do you honor them?

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by freestocks

To what degree are you your own worst critic?

How often do you drone on to yourself and others and see yourself as inadequate?

In what areas are you simply not (fill in the blank) enough to meet your own standards or the bar set for you by the world?

Although this kind of thinking can sometimes spur us on toward greater achievements, it most often keeps us small and causes us to hide, limiting ourselves and the contributions we could make.


Who are the people that know you best? Ask them to share and acknowledge your most unique and positive qualities.

How can and will you embrace and honor those qualities and lower the volume on your inner critic?

Three books that can help you honor your unique qualities are:
Taming Your Gremlin by Rick Carson
Now Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Don Clifton PhD
Originals by Adam Grant


If you run out of kind words for yourself stop talking

“If you run out of kind words for yourself stop talking.”

—Niklas Goke, Author of The Four Minute Millionaire

Image from Unsplash by Matthew Henry

We’ve all heard the phrase If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.

This concept has served me well over the years when it pertained to other people. It works well — except when eye rolls and our body language betray us.

Turning this idea on ourselves is bit more difficult. It seems impossible to stop our inner critics and an external speaker isn’t necessary to deliver the bad news.


How often do you catch yourself talking to yourself?

How kind or critical are you during these inner dialogues?

What positive triggers can you put in place to send a little more kindness your way?

“Accepting oneself does not preclude an attempt to become better.”

“Accepting oneself does not preclude an attempt to become better.”

—Mary Flannery O’Connor, 20th Century American writer

image from Unsplash by Giulia Bertelli

To what degree do you see yourself as a work in progress? Where in your world are you in action through daily baby steps (and the occasional giant leap) to realize a better future for yourself and others in your various communities?

Where does the concept of acceptance of yourself and those around you come into play with regard to leading a fulfilling life?

Where might embracing your own humanity and a bit less of the inner critic provide confidence in your potential to be that better version of yourself?


Where would you most benefit from greater self acceptance? In what areas of your life are you most committed to becoming better?

Feel free to reply to this post with your answers to these questions.