“What would happen if you doubled down on service?”
—Robert Richman, keynote speaker and culture architect
Image from Unsplash by Square
Did you know that it takes 5-7 times the effort and resources to obtain new customers than to keep existing customers?
With this statistic in mind, how much effort have you and your organization focused on new customer acquisition rather than making sure your current customers are delighted with you, your products, and of course, your level of service?
Customer loyalty is worth billions, however, we often slack off on our best behaviors once we close the deal. Much like when we say our “I Do” to our life partners. Given the divorce rate of about 50%, we all can see the need to maintain and more appropriately improve these relationships if they are to prosper.
What are some ways you can and will double down on your levels of service in your professional and personal communities? What would be the value of the loyalty generated?