“The rising sun blesses my mind with joy. The setting sun blesses my heart with peace.”
—Sri Chinmoy, 20th Century Indian Spiritual Leader

Image from Unsplash by John Towner
Before electricity and the light bulb, our sun and perhaps the occasional fire influenced every aspect of life.
Sunlight was man’s alarm clock to rise and go about the day, to survive and be productive.
When the sun went down, it was time to relinquish our efforts and find safety in our homes with our family. It was time, hopefully, to settle into a peaceful and safe slumber until the sun woke us again.
How has the world — and particularly your life — changed from this simpler time? Consider the fact that we live in a world where the lights never seem to go out, even if its the dim light of your smart phone or the numbers on your alarm clock.
How much additional joy and peace might you experience if you more fully embraced a life guided further by the rising and setting of the sun?
Consider reading Waking up to the Dark – Ancient Wisdom for a Sleepless Age, by Clark Strand.