Loving Joyous Spirit

“Youth is eternal to those with a curious, loving, joyous spirit.”

—Brendon Burchard, American Motivational Author

Image from Flickr by Jose Maria Cuellar

Image from Flickr by Jose Maria Cuellar

Our world celebrates youth. You need only pay attention to the vast number of marketing messages with which we are bombarded. All we need do is buy this cream, take that pill, eat this food, and engage in some form of turbo-charged workout, and we, too, will dodge the ravages of aging.

We all know that these strategies, at their best, can only modestly impact our lives, and drive many of us nuts in the process. Perhaps we should take Brendon’s coaching to assure we have an eternally youthful spirit.


How and in what ways can you be more youthful and joyous through meaningful opportunities to learn, and to build more loving relationships?

“Rain and sun are to the flower as praise and encouragement are to the human spirit.”

“Rain and sun are to the flower as praise and encouragement are to the human spirit.”

—Author Unknown


Image from Flickr by solarisgirl

As a former science teacher, I am fascinated by the process of photosynthesis – that plants can use sunlight to make their own food seems nothing short of a miracle.

Man—and virtually all animals—eat these plants as our way of sustaining life. Yet we are feeding only the body portion of ourselves – leaving our souls and spirits a bit empty.


How can you feed others the important nutrient of praise and acknowledgement, and surround yourself with others who will offer it to you in return?

“The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.”

“The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.”

–George C. Scott

What does the human spirit mean to you? Consider the following:

  • The capacity to achieve great and wondrous things
  • The ability to learn and apply what you learn
  • The capacity to forgive
  • The ability to love and be loved
  • The capacity to be creative and innovative
  • The ability to dream and envision a better future
  • The capacity to endure pain and life’s difficult or even tragic moments
  • The ability to be resilient and try again and again in spite of repeated failures or defeats


Who are some of the people you know who demonstrate a strong human spirit?

What qualities do they demonstrate that you admire and wish to emulate?