When we release our grip on the past

When we release our grip on the past it’s easier to hold the gifts of the present.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Jess Bailey

How often do your thoughts about the past hijack you from the “here and now moments” of your life?

If this occurs more often than you would like, consider this list of strategies to pull you back to the gifts of the present:

  1. Cultivate a supportive social network to provide encouragement and understanding.
  2. Engage in regular physical activity to reduce stress and improve your mood.
  3. Create physical or psychological distance from people or situations that trigger upset feelings about the past.
  4. Expressing emotions through journaling helps to process and release past painful or difficult feelings.
  5. Practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation can interrupt cycles of repetitive thought and help us see certain life events more objectively.

Seeking professional help through therapy to address unresolved emotions and trauma can be used with any of these strategies to offer additional guidance and help move us forward.


Where do past events still have you in their grip?

What strategies from today’s post offer the best approach for you to step boldly into the gifts of the present?

Separate your notions from your emotions

Separate your notions from your emotions.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Uday Mittal

Ever found yourself upset by every little thing going on in your life? Times when the smallest details of your days grate on you and trigger levels of annoyance that feel well out of proportion?

Perhaps your mighty mind is actually making mountains out of molehills! Your power to interpret life’s events and other people’s motives have gone to the dark side, and you start playing the victim.


Where are your notions stirring up your emotions?

How might some buffer space between stimulus and response — and a bigger helping of objectivity — help settle your nerves?

Who and what events trigger your negative thoughts, feelings and emotions?

Who and what events trigger your negative thoughts, feelings and emotions?

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Karan Mandre

Mindfulness and self awareness help up notice the many triggers in life that often have us react with heated emotions.

By catching ourselves we can find the space to remain calm and centered so that we can respond in appropriate ways to maintain our perspective and equanimity.

This can be easier when we are clear about who and what circumstances trigger us ahead of time, to preemptively head them off at the pass.


Who and what triggers you? How can you better support yourself in these moments?

Consider checking out Marshall Goldsmith’s book, Triggers, to dig a bit deeper into this topic.