Because I had a friend

“I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.”

⏤Abraham Lincoln,16th President of the United States

Image of Lincoln Memorial

Image from Flickr by Jim Grey

Perhaps no other single factor beyond personal motivation contributes more to eventual success than social support. This includes friends, family, teachers, mentors, and other encouraging individuals. Lincoln, often considered one of our finest presidents, attributed his success⏤which included many bumps in the road⏤to a loyal and supportive friendship.


Who are the individuals that are always there to support and encourage you to be your very best? Consider thanking them today, and let them know the difference they make.

How can you pay it forward by being the friend who believes in the highest potential of others? Perhaps there is a future Lincoln in the bunch!

Take Care of the Moments

“If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.”

—Maria Edgeworth, 19th Century Anglo-Irish Writer

Image of a Zen Pond

Image from Flickr by gillyan9

A few months ago, I reintroduced daily meditation into my life for many reasons, including stress reduction, greater self-awareness, enhanced patience, and an overall increase in mindfulness.

I have a strong desire to be more present to the people and events in my life.

Although my mind experiences many “trips down memory lane,” and adventures into the day ahead, I am making progress in being in the moment. One significant benefit I’ve experienced is a far greater capacity to choose my thoughts, perceptions, and reactions to events around me.

I also find myself being far more intentional and more productive and fulfilled.


What strategies might you employ to be more present to the moments of your life so the years ahead are even more rewarding?

Friday Review Gratitude


What are you grateful for today?  Here are a few gratitude-related posts you may have missed. Click on the link to read the full post.


“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.”






“I thank you for your part in my journey.”





“Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”




the winds of change

“Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction.”

⏤Author Unknown

Tornado Image from Flickr by Ignis

Image from Flickr by Ignis

Have you noticed the increase in super-storms in recent years – storms with winds over 150 miles per hour and distinctive forces with serious, sometimes deadly consequences? Following these events we always see the resilience and tenacity of people, rebuilding and renewing their worlds.

The pace of life and the winds of change throughout the world have picked up speed because of social, political, and technological factors. How are you surviving, or better yet, thriving, in these dynamic times?


What inner work related to your vision, values, beliefs, and talents will  you do today? How will your internal Gyroscopic Guidance System help you find and continue on your truest path regardless of what storms come your way?

Friday Review Preparation

FRIDAY REVIEW:  Preparation

How well do you prepare in your personal or professional worlds? Here are a few preparation-related posts you may have missed. Click on the link to read the full message.



“I will prepare and someday, my chance will come.”






“Life is like playing the violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.”






“You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.”





A Second Chance

“Your first impression remains—but you can revise your opinion. Look once again and give someone a second chance!”

—Laurent F. Carrel, Messages from Melanie

Do Over image

Image from

Most of us are familiar with the adage, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Unfortunately, people come to rapid decisions based on their initial perceptions, which happens in mere seconds.

Today’s quote suggests that we all have the power to offer anyone a “do over,” the opportunity to shift our view of them to something far more positive and favorable.


Where would there be great value in offering others a second chance, personally or professionally?

Where could you ask those who do not perceive you as you desire for a “do over” as well?

Friday Review: Enthusiasm

Friday Review: Enthusiasm

How enthusiastic are you as you go about your day? Here are a few commitment-related posts you may have missed. Click on the Quote to read the full message:

QC #996a

“You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hope rise to the stars.”




QC #996b

“Though you can love what you do not master, you cannot master what you do not love.”




QC #996c

“Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.”

When the Student is Ready

“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

-Gautama Buddha, on whose teaching Buddhism was founded

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image from

When people say, “perception is reality,” they often mean that the way we perceive something makes it real. What if we don’t perceive an issue, challenge, or lesson to be learned, simply because it is invisible to us?

As a student, we must first see a situation and determine that there is value, opportunity, or benefit in it. Only then is there the potential to hear the teacher and see how they might assist us in understanding the lesson.


Where are you stopped or stuck in your life? Where are your efforts to move forward being thwarted? To whom could you go with the challenge you face, to determine your readiness and receptivity to the lesson?

Christmas Waves a Magic Wand

“Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and Behold! Everything is softer and more beautiful.”

-Norman Vincent Peale, 20th Century minister and author

Image from

Image from

A friend and colleague, Dr. Jean Ann Larson, shared today’s quote in her recent newsletter. Regardless of your religious beliefs or spiritual practices, this time of year holds a certain specialness for most people.

It is a time of reflection, generosity, forgiveness, gratitude, and hope which, as Peale points out, softens and beautifies our world, inspiring us to carry the magic into the New Year.


Throughout the holidays, please use your own magic wand to soften and beautify your world. Imagine the possibility of seven billion people doing the same.

Better to be a lion

“It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”

-Elizabeth Kenny, unaccredited 20th Century Australian nurse

Image from Flickr by Tambako the Jaguar

Image from Flickr by Tambako the Jaguar

Take an inventory of your life’s greatest moments—the ones where you did or were part of something remarkable, noteworthy, and of course, memorable. What were you doing at the time? I would guess that on many of these occasions you were reaching for some goal, striving for something you desired, or operating beyond your comfort zone inspired by a high-priority commitment.

Rarely do great accomplishments occur when we simply move day-to-day, grazing on the same grasses of our personal or professional worlds.


How and in what ways can you rally your inner lion to courageously roar, chase, and pounce on the successes you desire?