Friday Review: Winning
How do you define “winning”? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.
“There is nobility in the struggle; you don’t have to win.”
“You can’t win if you are not in the game.”
How do you define “winning”? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.
“There is nobility in the struggle; you don’t have to win.”
“You can’t win if you are not in the game.”
As we begin a new year it is a common practice to reflect on the year gone by to see how it compared to our expectations.
Far too many of us experience regret and even shame for coming up short of our grandiose plans. With the wind knocked out of our sails, it’s increasingly difficult to shoot for the stars again in the year ahead.
Instead of looking through these lenses, consider the phrase What I got done today is what I got done today.
Acknowledge all your wins, in which you met the many challenges that landed in your lap the past 365 days.
Display the phrase What I got done today is what I got done today on your bathroom mirror.
Reflect on its simple wisdom each morning and night as you brush your teeth for at least two minutes.
Better dental checkups will be an added bonus!
Over the past several months, many of my posts have included my thoughts and reflections of my grandchildren. Today’s post involves their dog, Honey.
Honey is a fluffy white nine-year-old miniature poodle who definitely doesn’t act her age.
The minute we step in the door she shifts into a puppy mode of frenetic excitement at the prospect of playing fetch. Her wagging tail, flopping ears, extended tongue and jumps of joy say, Put Me in Coach, I want to play and show you my stuff!
Where in your life are you on the field and in the game?
Where are you on the bench or on the sidelines watching others?
What games get your tail wagging with excitement?
How do you define “winning”? Here are a few winning-related posts you may have missed.
“There is nobility in the struggle; you don’t have to win.”
“The man who runs may fight again.”
Image from Unsplash by Raul Cacho Oses
From an early age, we are repeatedly exposed to messages such as: “Be brave!”, “Never Give Up!”, “Winners never quit and quitters never win!”. There are countless stories, shows, and movies that play off the “feel good” tale of victory and coming out on top.
I’m all for being an optimist on most occasions, however, many times a far more realistic and objective perspective may be the wiser way to go.
What fights and battles are occurring in your professional and personal worlds? Where do you see progress and have a sense of hope that you will prevail? In what situation do you feel and know deep down that it’s time to “fold’em,” like a losing poker hand?
How would using your head, heart, and gut help you know when it is time to run versus stand your ground, so that you may fight another day?
If you are a loyal reader of The Quotable Coach, or even if you are somewhat new to this resource, I’m sure you have surmised that I am a win-win, positive, and life affirming individual.
For me, looking at what is right and what is possible inspires me to be a coach and support others in pursuing extraordinary lives for themselves.
I do, however, get discouraged at times, particularly when I see how often some people think that in winning the game of life for themselves, others must lose or be proven wrong.
How can you tap into your own warrior spirit to achieve what you desire, without needing to vanquish your foe, or prove others wrong in the process?
For many people, winning is the only thing that counts. Just look at how our society celebrates success in all forms of personal and professional pursuits. Who won the Gold? Who is “The Best”? Who is first in their class, or first in this race or that contest?
Consider all the upset, frustration, and discouragement this causes when people fall short of the mark. This is always the case, even for those who reach the very top, and is related to the Law of Impermanence, with its inevitable ups and downs.
Where in your world would celebrating your noble efforts and struggles be the source of winning the daily game of life?