“Certain people in our lives could be our biggest speed bumps to living the lives we want.”

Tim Parr, CEO and Founder of CADDIS

Image from Unsplash by Sander Sammy

When was the last time you were faced with actual speed bumps on your way to an intended destination?

How did you feel when you were forced to slow down or when you were jolted by the elevation change?

Who are the people in your world that slow you down from moving at the speed you desire?

In what ways do they test your patience and cause you considerable frustration?

Speed bumps are usually put in place to protect us or others from potential accidents and injuries.

The speed kills concept can definitely apply in certain situations!

Sometimes, fast can be slow and slow can offer a much smoother ride.


In what ways can the speed bump people in your life actually be helping you get where you need to go versus where you want to go?