“Sometimes, the only way to discover who you are and what life you should lead is to do less planning and more living – to burst the double bubble of comfort and convention and just do stuff.”

“Sometimes, the only way to discover who you are and what life you should lead is to do less planning and more living – to burst the double bubble of comfort and convention and just do stuff.”

– Daniel Pink, business author

570Image from Flickr by spatulated.

When was the last time you watched young children play? Rarely, if ever, have I seen them plan out any activity. They simple leap into most endeavors with enthusiasm and a bit of reckless abandon.

As you observe these events, note the level of joy, pleasure, fulfillment, and happiness occurring before your eyes, and listen to your own inner voice saying, “I want what they’re having.”


Instead of planning and sharpening the saws of life, where would “bursting the double bubble of comfort and convention” make the biggest difference in your professional and personal life?