“He who will not economize will have to agonize.”
—Confucius, ancient Chinese Philosopher

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Over many years of coaching, I’ve noticed several interesting trends.
In general, my clients in their twenties, thirties, and forties are most often on a highly intentional growth trajectory. They want to build wealth, pursue success, and increase their standard of living. This almost always involves accumulating possessions, and often increases the demands and complexity of their lives.
As they reach their fifties, sixties, and seventies, they seem to be more focused on scaling back, simplification, and greater balance. It is often because their many years of living in the fast lane, carrying too much stuff and stress, has become more of a burden than they care to shoulder going forward.
Where would a “less is more” strategy, regardless of your stage of life, provide you the added freedom and peace of mind you desire?