Emotions are a form of creativity. How can you apply the good ones even more successfully?

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Олег Мороз

What does your emotional landscape look like? Consider the list below to see how they create your reality as you journey through your days.

  • Happiness        Sadness          Fear          Disgust          Surprise
  • Anticipation       Loneliness      Trust         Jealousy         Shame
  • Grief                  Pride              Regret       Envy               Embarrassment
  • Guilt                  Gratitude        Worry        Joy                 Love
  • Hope                 Serenity          Awe          Inspiration      Curiosity
  • Excitement        Contentment  Affection    Enthusiasm    Relief

Separate the list into positives and negatives, and add some of your own. How can you maximize the positive and minimize the negative to lead a more fulfilling and creative life?