“Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.”
—Mark Twain, in Following the Equator

Image from Unsplash by Brooke Lark
Did you know that when you look up at the night sky and view a full moon you are seeing exactly what every other human – and for that matter, every other creature on Earth – has viewed for millennium?
Based on the rotational speed of the moon and the position of the Earth and Sun, we only get to see one-half of the moon’s surface.
People are like the moon, in that they often only present the sunny side of themselves. We sometimes tend to keep our dark side – including our weaknesses, fears, and perceived imperfections – hidden from view.
How might an exploration of your dark side, and perhaps revealing it to those you trust, create new opportunities and possibilities for you over (at least) the next lunar cycle?