“Few is the number who think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts.”
—Albert Einstein

Image from Unsplash by Nathan Dumlao
How are you and the people in your personal and professional communities doing relative to today’s quote?
With far more time on our hands due to social and physical distancing, I’ve observed a lot of people thinking and feeling more deeply than ever before.
When – perhaps in the past – have you gone along with the crowd instead of trusting your own heart and head before making an important decision, or taking a significant action?
How has the world grinding to a halt versus the frenetic pace we usually keep given you greater clarity on life?
How can and will you use the lessons from these challenging times to help you count yourself among the “few more” people who think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts?
Please reply to this post with whatever thoughts and feelings you care to share.