Friday Review: Balance

What can and will you do to find and maintain balance in your life? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“During times of change it is common to look for things we might lose or gain. Considering what will actually stay the same can steady your ship in the frequent rough seas of life.




“Discover the right balance between effort and ease.”






“When you change direction radically, the loads can shift, and it can throw you off balance.”







One thought on “

  1. Do you take and publish quotes with recognition from unknowns like me? If so, how do you want to receive them?

    For example: Here is one quote I want to share that relates to your Balance Review:

    “Life Balance is where you enjoy and thrive in all THREE of your lives, your Work life, Personal life, and Relationship lives simultaneously, WITHOUT guilt, conflict, or stress. Bill Dueease

    Been following your quotes for years and I am a fan. Kept many of them for repeat publishing with acknowledgements when you provide them.

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