“The future is purchased by the present.”
—Dr. Samuel Johnson, 18th Century English Poet

Image from specialneedsparenting.net
Evidence has shown that there is a high correlation between an individual’s ability to delay gratification, and their long-term level of achievement.
All one need do is examine masters in almost any endeavor to see the level of effort and amount of time it took for them to achieve what they desired. Some traded large pieces of their lives for a potential pot of gold at the end of the line. This can often be the case when people work tirelessly in vocations and careers they don’t enjoy.
Those who are attuned to their vision and value often find the courage to take bold actions. Their efforts in pursuing their dream becomes like compound interest on the daily investments they make.
How can you lead an even more fulfilling life by having your present professional and personal efforts be their own reward, and not just a means to a future you hope for some day?