“I have hope and I’m not afraid to use it.”
-Author Unknown

Image from porsperityconnection.org
One of the top qualities I look for in my coaching clients is optimism—a hopeful perspective on life. Through an unscientific evaluation, I have found that such individuals are generally more successful and far more satisfied with their efforts and progress. They are also far more enjoyable to be around.
Fearful and pessimistic individuals, on the other hand, tend to look through the lens of what is wrong or what won’t work, and therefore, stop themselves or avoid attempting new pursuits where failure is possible.
They often see even good things that happen to them as temporary or a “fluke,” as opposed to the hopeful people who see setbacks as only temporary.
How would an even more hopeful perspective on life help you achieve better results and attract more wonderful, equally hopeful people into your world?