“If you are not willing to learn no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.”
—Zig Ziglar, 20th Century American Motivational Speaker

Image from Unsplash by Riccardo Annandale
The term “Coach-ability” is used frequently in my profession.
Individuals who are coachable have a voracious appetite for their own growth and development, a passion for learning, and of course, an open and receptive disposition.
Perhaps no other mindset or quality is attributed to achieving greater success than having this unstoppable determination to advance oneself and the world at large.
The technical term for trying to coach, teach, or mentor another individual who is close and unwilling to receive assistance, on the other hand, is “nagging.”
Only you and your perceptual filters can seek and find the coaching from others and the world around you. After all, being nagged by those hoping to contribute to you is a real drag.
Please conserve your energies and efforts with others in your communities that see you this way.
In what ways can you be far more open and receptive to the contribution of others, and learn all you can from these relationships?
How can you facilitate and engender greater coach-ability and subsequent learning with others in your personal and professional communities?