“It’s not what you’ve got – it’s what you use that makes a difference.”

“It’s not what you’ve got – it’s what you use that makes a difference.”

– Zig Ziglar, best-selling author and motivational speaker

Time management is one of the top priorities for people entering a coaching relationship. We all have 24 hours a day, which would seemingly put us all on a level playing field. Zig Ziglar suggests that some of us simply make far better use of our resources – in this example, time – than others.

Think of time as a currency, where certain activities are worth nothing, some are worth a little, and others are worth a lot.


What differences can you make today in how you spend your time?

Which resources – other than time – can you use more fully to make a bigger difference with your days? Consider love, creativity, energy, and even money as possible resources to explore.