“Laugh and world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone.”
—Anthony Burgess, English author of A Clockwork Orange

Image from stopsnoring.com
Do you or your life partner snore? How often do you give or receive a nudge or a comment to shift your position and silence the racket emanating from your nose or mouth?
Today’s technology has come to the rescue with all sorts of gadgets, including noise-cancelling ear plugs, mouth guards, and of course, the ever popular c-pap machine.
It turns out snoring is often a symptom of a partially or completely closed airway during sleep, which can potentially create serious health consequences, including pulmonary hypertension.
If you or others in your life shake the airwaves and wake those around you, please consider discussing it with your physician. A more peaceful and potentially healthier night’s sleep awaits you!