“Leaders don’t force people to follow—they invite them on a journey.”
—Charles S. Lauer, late publisher of Modern Healthcare magazine

Image from Unsplash by Matt Heaton
We have all been taken to school lately on the subject of Leadership. What messages are you hearing that touch and stir your head, heart, and soul?
Who is speaking a future that resonates on the frequency of your vision and value?
Who is describing a journey with passion and purpose? Who is inviting you to contribute your best to a worthy mission?
When strong leaders demonstrate such qualities in words, actions, and enduring character, they engender us to follow and become leaders as well.
Where have you been called and invited on an important journey?
Where can and will you invite others in your personal or professional communities to join you in creating a better world?
Thank you for these thoughtful questions, Barry!
Hi Barry,
This may be a longer response than you would expect. I have a presentation that I’ve made on a number of occasions; the theme is how to lead an organization through a successful transformation. First, there are five needed basic elements of change management: vision, incentive, plan, skill and resources. I argue that there are three additional key elements: trust in leadership, demonstrated leadership commitment and servant leadership.
Would love to hear your take on this.