“Your life only gets better when you get better.”
—Brian Tracy
![Image of man with thermometer in his mouth](https://www.thequotablecoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/QC-1352.jpg)
Image from Flickr by Bart
Personal and organizational development are multi-billion dollar industries. It is estimated that the coaching profession is somewhere near the three billion dollar mark.
What causes this trend to continue pointing upward?
Perhaps it is simply that we all desire better lives, and that bettering ourselves is the easiest way to influence and control our own destiny.
When we work on bettering ourselves, we give our lives direction and set forth goals to pursue and achieve. This “creative tension” literally pulls, or draws us, to the realization of a better future.
Where can you or are you actively working on yourself to realize the better life you desire? Consider discussing this question with a coach, mentor, or close friend who will hold your feet to the fire and increase your chances of success.