“May you have ideas so big they grow wings!”
—Author Unknown

1903 Wright Flyer, Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum.
On December 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers had a big idea that grew wings and took flight.
For many years, man has looked to nature for some other remarkable ideas that also took flight, including:
- The Robotic Arm, patterned after an Elephant’s Trunk
- The Bullet Train, patterned after the shape of a Kingfisher
- Better X-Ray Vision, based on a Lobster’s vision
- Harvesting Water, patterned after the Stenocara Desert Beetle
- The Energy Grid, based on the hive mind of bees
- Adhesives, patterned after the feet of the Gecko
- Wind Turbines, based on the fins of Humpback Whales
- The Shock Absorber, based on the beak of the Woodpecker
- Ventilation Systems, patterned after Termite mounds
What are some of your best idea-generating strategies? When are your most creative times of the day?
Consider both times of great and limited focus to exercise both sides of your amazing brain.
Now, most importantly, which of these need less drag and more lift to take flight?