“You will find that it is necessary to let things go, simply for the reason that they are heavy.”
—C. JoyBell C., American Philosophical Author

Image from csuiteinsider.com
I recently met two remarkable women at an event. Sam was one of the featured speakers at the event, and Pat was an event participant, as was I. They both shared their wondrous—and independent—stories of letting go of their possessions to travel the world more lightly.
Beyond the excitement and vitality conveyed in their adventures was the amazing, contagious impact the otters people at the conference experienced in hearing their stories. Many were inspired to “downsize” one or more aspect of their lives.
In what ways can you release and let go of the people and things that weigh down your life?
Select at least one specific action you will take within the next 24 hours to begin to lighten your load, and consider responding to this post with your decision.