“No one wants to be the skydiver who pulled the rip cord too late.”
—Eric Barker, author of Barking up the Wrong Tree

Image from Unsplash by Kamil Pietrzak
Where has procrastination, putting things off, or just a hint of hesitation resulted in your experiencing negative consequences? Perhaps you have missed an important professional or personal opportunity?
Although delays and inaction rarely have life-threatening impact, they can chip away at our overall success, fulfillment, and life satisfaction.
Alternatively, where has acting too quickly or jumping the gun resulted in false starts, penalties, or disqualifications from important events in your life?
What value could having a far better grasp on your personal and professional timing have on your future?
Consider picking up a copy of Dan Pink’s book, When – The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing – to glean a few nuggets of wisdom on this important life skill.