“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, our world will know peace.”
—attributed to Jimi Hendrix

Image from Unsplash by Patrick Fore
Today’s quote is often attributed to Jimi Hendrix although there is no documented evidence that he actually said it. Regardless of who actually said it, the internet and people around the world have spread its message far and wide.
These days, it’s easier than ever to examine events and people around the world. With 190 plus countries across the globe, we get to see the wide spectrum of customs, politics, ways of living, and how they compare and differ from our own.
Among the qualities people around the world crave most are peace and freedom.
Unfortunately, the considerable struggles we often see over power get in the way. Conflicts and the oppression of people causes considerable misery.
Where do you observe the love of power and the power of love in your various communities?
Where would less of the first and more of the second help brings greater peace into the world?
How can and will you contribute to these worthy efforts?