“Wanting tells the lie that having will fill every void. It does not.”

Image from Unsplash by Dayne Topkin
What do you want that you don’t already have?
This question is worth a deep dive, especially if you find yourself fundamentally dissatisfied with your life.
It’s easy to blame it on the media or the people with whom you associate — we are just trying to keep up with the Joneses!
It’s a lie that having more of what’s missing will suddenly quench your insatiable thirst.
It won’t.
Regardless of whether people seek fame, power, money, status, or just more stuff, the evidence from others who actually seem to have won their life lottery leave many still feeling empty.
In what ways do you buy into the lie of wanting?
How much of what you have wanted has already been realized?
Where might the pursuit of less be more satisfying and meaningful than always wanting what you don’t have?