Friday Review: RENEWAL
What do you do to renew and rejuvenate yourself? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.
“The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you are finished.”
“Exhaustion is not a status symbol.”
What do you do to renew and rejuvenate yourself? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.
“The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you are finished.”
“Exhaustion is not a status symbol.”
Did you know that there is only one auto train in the United States?
For those on the east coast it’s a 17+ hour trek from Lofton, Virginia to Sandford, Florida — where you fill your vehicle with as much stuff as it can hold and then leave the driving to the conductor!
On these overnight adventures, you can even get a sleeper car and have the clickity-clack of the tracks lull you to sleep.
Unlike high-speed trains, in which getting from point A to point B is the goal, the auto train chugs along at more leisurely pace allowing considerable time to converse with your travel mates, do a bit of reading, and of course, reflect on your own life journey.
In what ways do you give yourself time to slow down to connect with your deepest self?
Consider all the people (especially yourself), places, and things, you miss while rushing past them all.
Today’s quote encapsulates Ridley’s views on collective intelligence and the collaborative nature of innovation. It emphasizes that innovation is not primarily the result of individual genius, but rather a product of human interaction and the exchange of ideas.
How often do you find yourself working alone, wracking your brain to solve a particular problem?
How frequently do you feel that if you seek or accept assistance from others your achievements are less worthy of recognition?
Where and how can you tap into many more brains within your personal and professional communities to accomplish far more than going it alone? Remember that even the Lone Ranger had Tonto!
Where are you trying to make your mark on the world?
Just like one of those rubber stamps that have begun to run out of ink, our ongoing efforts to accomplish things of note are often too light to leave the lasting imprint we want.
Where are you tip-toeing around in your life, reluctant to take a firm stand on what you value and believe? How have these modest efforts made only minimal impressions that are easily washed away with time?
Whether it’s through great force or repeated actions over time, what will it take for you to make the dents in the universe you deeply desire?
Lemonade is one of my favorite beverages. I particularly like the fact that I can control the levels of tartness and sweetness to my liking.
Lemons are a versatile fruit that can easily incorporate into our diets through water, cooking, or direct consumption, offering a wide variety of health-promoting properties.
Lemons provide numerous metabolic advantages:
The vitamin C in lemons supports:
Additional health benefits include:
In what ways can you take and embrace the lemons of life (including the fruit) to lead a healthier and sweeter life?
How often do you step outside your routine just to reflect on your life? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.
“It’s on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way.”
—Ernest Shackleton, 20 Century Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer
Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctic adventures are legendary. His most famous expedition —The Endurance Expedition (1914-1917) — aimed to cross Antarctica but turned into a survival epic.
His ship named Endurance became trapped and was eventually crushed by ice in the Weddell Sea. Shackleton and his crew survived months on drifting ice flows before reaching Elephant Island.
Realizing their chance of survival were slim to none he and five of his crew made a perilous 800-mile journey in a small boat to South Georgia, where on their fourth attempt eventually rescued the entire crew after nearly two years facing extreme weather, limited supplies, and unbearable isolation.
Where and when have you demonstrated tremendous endurance to conquer the life challenges facing you?
For inspiration, please watch the documentary Endurance online through National Geographic and Disney plus. Other platforms such as Hulu and Sling TV may also offer access to this documentary.
John Wooden was the most remarkable coach in college basketball and perhaps any sport. His many accomplishments include:
Perhaps more than any of these accomplishments was his tremendous influence as a team leader and the remarkable character development he offered his players well beyond their playing days.
What lessons can you take from Wooden’s career/life to win more games and change more lives in your communities?
Sir David Attenborough is a world-renowned naturalist, broadcaster, and environmental advocate whose career spans over seven decades.
His work has revolutionized nature documentaries with groundbreaking series including Life on Earth, The Blue Planet, and Planet Earth.
His delightful storytelling, innovative filmmaking, and environmental activism have inspired audiences around the world and helped improve our understanding of the vital importance of the natural world.
How can you be a helpful part of our natural world to ensure there is still a place on earth for all living things— including us?
Have you done it yet? Have you stepped or leaped into the new year with boundless energy to better your world?
If not, you’re not alone. Many folks are still digging out of all the e-mails and work that piled up over the holidays and feel they haven’t even gotten out of the starting blocks.
What to do when “the hurried-er you go the behind-er you seem to get”?
Something dramatic has to happen to get your head above water and swim for the shore of the life you envision.
Try a brain dump exercise: List all the personal and professional to-dos that fill up and spill over your days.
Keep asking yourself “What Else?” until you get everything down.
Let this list sit for a day and dig some more.
Consider asking those close to you for their additional thoughts.
Once this list is complete, it can be managed, using a sorting strategy using the words More, Less, Start, and Stop.
It’s within the Less and Stop clutter in your world that you can make room for the Mores and Starts that will put you back in the driver’s seat to take your life where you want to go.