Friday Review: Opportunity

Friday Review: Opportunity

How do you respond to opportunity? What opportunities have you passed up, or grabbed onto? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“Constraints can unwittingly open so many doors.”




When you receive criticism take a moment to pause. Let this time be a kind of speed bump to slow down and “try on” what is being said.




“Doors don’t slam open.”


Misery is a moment of suffering

“Misery is a moment of suffering allowed to become everything.”

Mark Nepo, poet and spiritual adviser

Image from Unsplash by Syed Ali

Mark Nepo is a renowned poet, philosopher, and spiritual teacher.

Earlier in his life he navigated a very challenging cancer journey that transformed his understanding of survival and living authentically.

Diagnosed with a rare form of Lymphoma, his experience with illness led to a deep inner journey and a focus on living fully in the present moment.

This journey inspired him to explore themes of vulnerability, presence, and the essence of life in his work particularly
in this best-selling work, The Book of Awakening, where his healing process encourages readers to find meaning and growth through adversity.


In what ways has adversity shaped your life?

How can you separate the moments of misery from the other more positive aspects of living to gain a broader more hopeful perspective as you take on each day?

What the new year brings to you will depend

“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.”

Vern McLellan, author, speaker, broadcaster, and musician

Image from Unsplash by Kelly Sikkema

Charles Lamb is known for saying “New Years Day is every man’s birthday.”

To celebrate we get a fresh start and a “do over” if there are regrets about the year gone by.

Although this is a man-made point in time to begin again, why not use it since everyone else is on the same page and expects it?

To bring a new you to the new year, consider the wisdom of Tuli Kupferberg’s statement: ”When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.”


What new worlds do you want to emerge?

What new patterns will you bring to the new year to realize this new world for yourself and others in your communities?

“Certain people in our lives could be our biggest speed bumps to living the lives we want.”

“Certain people in our lives could be our biggest speed bumps to living the lives we want.”

Tim Parr, CEO and Founder of CADDIS

Image from Unsplash by Sander Sammy

When was the last time you were faced with actual speed bumps on your way to an intended destination?

How did you feel when you were forced to slow down or when you were jolted by the elevation change?

Who are the people in your world that slow you down from moving at the speed you desire?

In what ways do they test your patience and cause you considerable frustration?

Speed bumps are usually put in place to protect us or others from potential accidents and injuries.

The speed kills concept can definitely apply in certain situations!

Sometimes, fast can be slow and slow can offer a much smoother ride.


In what ways can the speed bump people in your life actually be helping you get where you need to go versus where you want to go?

Build a life for yourself that doesn’t require validation from others.

Build a life for yourself that doesn’t require validation from others.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Giulia Bertelli

From the time we are born we seek validation from others.

Getting what we want from parents, teachers, friends, and work colleagues seems to be the key to opening the doors of successful living.

Beyond the nods, smiles, gold stars, and promotions some of us still find our lives lacking.

No matter how many fans we have, the search for more often continues.

How we measure our lives and know when enough is enough can be a very elusive quest.


In what ways can you apply more of your own views of your life as the primary validation needed to see yourself as a success?

Friday Review: Momentum

Friday Review: Momentum

Do you find it easy or difficult to get going or keep going? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”





“When a dog runs at you, whistle for him.”





“It’s hard to build momentum if you are divided in your attention.”




The bond of our common humanity is stronger

“The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness or our fears and prejudices.”

Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States

Image from

Jimmy Carter is known for his commitment and efforts to enhance human rights at home and throughout the world. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his diplomacy and promoting peace through the Carter Center.

At the age of 100, his life stands as a powerful legacy of extraordinary contributions to global welfare, inspiring others to engage in a wide range of humanitarian work.


In what ways does your attitude and efforts support the bonds of our common humanity? How do and can you partner with others in your communities to create a more peaceful and unified world for everyone?

“In what ways do you give more to the world than you take?”

“In what ways do you give more to the world than you take?”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Jon Tyson

‘Tis the season for pot luck dinners, Secret Santa, and all types of generous acts within our communities.

Although it’s always nice to be on the receiving end at these times, it’s even more rewarding to be on the giving side of the equation.

In what areas of your world have you recently observed people sharing their time, resources, and love with others? How have they prioritized the needs of those around them over their own desires and interests?


In the coaching profession, it’s often said that the best coaching is a good example.

Who are the “heart of gold” people in your world that inspire you to give far more than you receive?

How can you acknowledge and give them the recognition they most certainly deserve?


What we need is a new model of growth

“What we need is a new model of growth that emphasizes sustainability.”

Thomas L. Friedman, internationally renowned author, reporter, and columnist

Image from Unsplash by KOBU Agency

The three primary elements of sustainability are people, planet, and profit, often referred to as “the triple bottom line.” These pillars represent interconnected dimensions of sustainable development.

The focus on people emphasizes fair business practices, employee rights, community well-being, and social equity. This pillar involves creating healthier, more livable communities and ensuring equal opportunities.

The focus on our planet involves minimizing negative environmental impact by reducing waste, using resources efficiently, protecting biodiversity, and adopting green technologies. The goal is to meet current needs without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their own needs.

The focus on profit ensures financial stability and growth while considering environmental and social costs. This pillar involves responsible resource management, transparent accounting, and creating long-term economic value.


In what ways do and can you apply the “triple bottom line” like a tripod to create a more stable and sustainable world now and for many generations to come?

The spotlight effect has us think that we are the center of other people’s attention

The spotlight effect has us think that we are the center of other people’s attention. We’re not!

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Jason Goodman

Have you ever attended a networking event to promote your business, your product, or even yourself? These are gatherings where you can (hopefully) make a good impression on others by offering your sixty second commercial or a thirty second elevator pitch.

For many people, such events create a bit of fear or trepidation, knowing that all eyes are on you as you speak.

The truth in these situations is that during these moments everyone else is so concerned with what they intend to say that they actually pay little or no attention to you.


Where in your personal or professional world do you worry and fret about being in the spotlight?

How can knowing that others are paying little attention to you put you at ease and support your well-being in these social and professional situations?