“Big shots are little shots who kept shooting.”
– Christopher Morely, American Journalist, Novelist, Essayist and Poet

photo from Flickr by Simplistic.designs
What are your favorite examples of people who achieved great success through the power of persistence? Some of mine are Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, and of course, Michael Jordan.
What are some of your own personal stories where you stayed the course to achieve some important professional or personal victory?
Consider how you might break your “big shot” wins down into daily “small shot” behaviors you can easily practice on your journey of personal mastery. If this exercise is one you enjoy, both the journey and the results will reward you.
Consider picking up a copy of one or more of the following resources to enhance your resolve to keep shooting to realize your most deeply held desires:
Three Feet From Gold by Sharon Lechter & Greg Reid
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson & John David Mann
The Power of Persistence by Justin Sachs
The Dip by Seth Godin
Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden
Want your own copy of “The Quotable Coach”? Click on the image below.